# stable-marriage-problem
	-choice lists given in code so just compile
	-"gcc stable-marriage-problem.c -o stable"

# merge-sort
	-compile and run the code"gcc merge-sort.c -o mergesort" "./mergesort"
	-enter the size of array 
	-enter items one by one

# breadth-first-search
	-compile and run "gcc breadth-first-search.c -o bfs" "./bfs"
	-enter the vertice number (ex."5")
	-add the vertices (ex."0 1 |enter| 0 2 |enter| 1 2 |enter| 1 3 |enter| 2 4 |enter| 3 4 -enter- -1 -1 |enter|")
# euclids-gcd
	-compile and run "gcc euclids-gcd.c -o gcd" "./gcd"
	-enter first and second integer then see the result.

# insertion-sort
	-arrays defined in the code so just compile and run
	"gcc insertion-sort.c -o insort" "./insort"

# binary-search
	-arrays defined in the code, compile and run
	"gcc binary-search.c -o bsearch" "./bsearch"

# interpol-search
	-array defined in the code and seaching target 18
	"gcc interpol-search.c -o intsea" "./intsea"
# heap-sort
	-array defined in the code
	"gcc heap-sort.c -o heap" "./heap"

# quickhull
	-variables defined in the code
	"gcc quickhull.c -o qui" "./qui"