
Interactive travel time and housing map built by Stamen Design. Visit this link to check out the site:

Primary LanguageJavaScript

MTC Travel Time Maps

Website Overview: Bay Area Travel Map

Website: Map Explorer


There's three major components to the MTC travel time application:

  1. JavaScript front-end (currently hosted on Amazon S3), found in /www
  2. Scripts to process raw MTC transit data and create CSVs, found in /data. See /data/README.md
  3. The TAZ API, outlined below.

To run the front end locally I'd recommend using the built in Python HTTP server:

python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000 .


The map needs a way to know which TAZ (Transportation Analysis Zone) a given geographic point (latitude, longitude) belongs to. We're using Code for America's US Census Area API for this, running at mtc-taz-api.herokuapp.com (try the sample request).

Setting up the API server

# 1. clone the Census Area API repo
$ git clone https://github.com/codeforamerica/US-Census-Area-API.git mtc-taz-api
$ cd mtc-taz-api

# 2. point this at the Heroku app named "mtz-taz-api"
$ heroku git:remote -a mtc-taz-api
$ git config heroku.remote heroku

# 3. use CfA's pygeo buildpack
$ heroku config:set BUILDPACK_URL=https://github.com/codeforamerica/heroku-buildpack-pygeo

# 4. point it at our TAZ Shapefile zip
$ heroku config:set ZIPPED_DATA_URL=http://maps.onebayarea.org/data/areas/taz1454_4326.zip

# 5. use the user-env-compile addon
$ heroku labs:enable user-env-compile

# push it (real good)
$ git push heroku master