knowLedge grAph sUmmarization foR quEstion aNswering

Primary LanguageJava


knowLedge grAph sUmmarization foR quEstion aNswering

Note: The index files are not included due to size restriction.

How to run AGDISTIS in QANARY pipeline?

  1. Run the desired AGDISTIS service in first terminal. E.g.
mvn clean install
mvn tomcat:run -Dmaven.tomcat.port=8181

The AGDISTIS service has now started on

  1. Run the qanary-pipeline-template. Follow the tutorial given here. To be precise,
  • Install and run the stardog triple store.
  • Install and run the qanary-pipeline-template
cd evaluation-utilities/QANARY/qanary_pipeline-template
mvn clean install
cd ..
java -jar qanary_pipeline-template/target/qa.pipeline-X.Y.Z.jar
  • Install and run the qanary-QA-components (each in a separate terminal tab). E.g.
cd evaluation-utilities/QANARY-QA-Components/qanary_component-NED-Dandelion
mvn clean install
cd ..
java -jar qanary_component-NER-Dandelion/target/qanary_component-NER-Dandelion-X.Y.Z.jar

Likewise, run other qanary-QA-componenets such as: qanary_component-NER-stanford, qanary_component-NED-AGDISTIS, qanary_component-REL-RELNLIOD, qanary_component-QueryBuilder. The qanary-QA pipeline is now ready to be tested. To test the web-UI, check http://localhost:8282/startquestionansweringwithtextquestion.