
  1. Manager Employees - Teams
  2. Connect to Database and save information
  3. Write API for employees and teams

Getting Started

  1. Install MongoDB
  2. Create file .env in folder employee/configs for employee and team/configs for team
  3. Configure features in file .env the following format in file env.example
  4. We must install package: tkanos/gonfig,, go-sql-driver/mysql by the following:
go get
go get
go get
  1. Before running the program, you must set up the MongoDB: 5.1 Schema: employee 5.2 Collection: employee 5.3 Schema: team 5.4 Collection: team

  2. Use command: go run employee/cmd/httpapi/main.go run employee serve

  3. Use command: go run team/cmd/httpapi/main.go run team serve

  4. API :

    • Get list all employees:
        localhost:8282/employees (GET)
    • Get list all teams:
        localhost:8181/teams (GET)
    • Search employee by id:
        localhost:8282/employee/{id} (GET)
    • Search team by id:
        localhost:8181/team/{id} (GET)
    • Create employee:
        localhost:8282/employee (POST)

    Example Body:

        "name" : "hien",
        "gender" :2, 
        "dob" : "2001-11-11"
    • Create team:
        localhost:8181/team (POST)

    Example Body:

         "name": "pentest"
    • Update employee:
        localhost:8282/employee/{id} (PUT)
    • Update team:
        localhost:8181/team/{id} (PUT)
    • Delete employee:
        localhost:8282/employee/{id} (DELETE)
    • Delete team:
        localhost:8181/team/{id} (DELETE)
    • Delete/Add employee join to team:
        localhost:8282/api/v1/event/employee-team (POST)
    • Example Body: