
FunDA, a functional data processing library to supplement FRM (Functional-Relational-Mapper)

Primary LanguageScalaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

FunDA (Functional Data Access)

FunDA is a functional database access library designed to supplement FRM (Functional-Relational-Mapper) tools like Slick.
While FRM tools bring type safe language-integrated-query and flexible query composition as well as powerful functional programming paradigm to it's users, the main focus is on data object access and thus in ways short on strength for data persistence support such as data row traversal operations that are so common in ORM. This short-fall plus a brand new functional programming style also make many OOP programmers from the ORM world using FRM quite uncomfortable or even somewhat awkward. On top of bringing back the familiar recordset operations to support data row processing, FunDA also adds in explicit parallel data processing capabilities as well as a simple user-defined programming model to lower requirements for functional programming skills such that with little getting-used-to a traditional OOP programmer could handle FRM so to make FunDA as a much practically productive tool. The core of FunDA is implemented with scalaz-streams-fs2. FunDA can be depicted as a workflow pipe with a sequence of work-nodes where user-defined data processing tasks could be plugged in. FunDA is implemented as a forward-only stream of rows representing pure data or query actions. User-defined-tasks at a work-node can intercept rows and run some processes with the context of each row. And these user-defined-tasks can be run parallelly through FunDA's Parallelism.
A typical FunDA program consists of a source and many user-defined-tasks as follows:

val streamSource = streamLoader.fda_typedStream(albumsInfo.result)(db)(512, 128)()


where "streamSource" is a FunDA stream source produced by loading data from database, and "transformData", "runActionQuery" and "showResults" are all user-defined-tasks each responsible to achieve some minimal distinctive effect. As the unique flavor of functional programming, these are functional combinators and can be composed in a specific order to perform a much bigger and complexed task. From the semantics of the FunDA program above we can make a wild guess that "transformData" would transform each data row to query actions and these query actions are executed by "runActionQuery" at the next work-node.

how to use

FunDA artifacts are currently published on Bintray. Add following in your build.sbt:

resolvers +=  Resolver.bintrayRepo("bayakala","maven")
libraryDependencies += "com.bayakala" %% "funda" % "1.0.0-RC-01" withSources() withJavadoc()

for your info, FunDA allready includes the following dependencies:

   libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
      "com.typesafe.slick" %% "slick" % "3.2.0",
      "com.h2database" % "h2" % "1.4.191",
      "com.typesafe.slick" %% "slick-hikaricp" % "3.2.0",
      "ch.qos.logback" % "logback-classic" % "1.1.7",
      "co.fs2" %% "fs2-core" % "0.9.4",
      "co.fs2" %% "fs2-io" % "0.9.4",
      "com.typesafe.play" % "play-iteratees-reactive-streams_2.11" % "2.6.0"

Remarks: users should set up their own Slick database configuration file application.conf in the resources directory.

to run the examples

There is a sample applicaion "funda-demo" located on github here: www.github.com/bayakala/funda-demo . It includes sample data located under resources/testdata/ and it is a bare cvs file. Import this file in your database before you run the examples. The examples should be run in the following order:

1. StrongTypedRows.scala  
2. UserDefinedTasks.scala
3. ParallelLoading.scala
4. ParallelTasks.scala
5. ParallelExecution.scala
6. ExceptionsAndFinalizers.scala

download and try it. good luck and have fun!

The Principles

FunDA's workflow FDAPipeLine is a scalaz-streams-fs2 and therefore is a free-monad. It is highly composable:

val streamLoader = FDAStreamLoader(slick.jdbc.H2Profile)(toTypedRow _)      
val source = streamLoader.fda_typedStream(aqmQuery.result)(db)(512,512)()
val stream = source.filter{r => r.year > "1999"}.take(3).appendTask(showRecord)


as demonstrated above, we can compose stream anyway we want before startRun

FunDA stream (The program)

strong-typed rows

As mentioned above, FunDA programs are just composition of a source and a string of user-defined-tasks as a stream with data produced by source as rows. To facilitate stream operations we must convert data loaded from database into strong-typed rows. A practical case is that Slick usually returns query results in a collection of tuples. Thus we must take an extra step to convert them into user defined strong-typed case classes. The following code snippet demonstrates such conversion:

// aqmQuery.result returns Seq[(String,String,String,String)]
  val aqmQuery = aqmraw.map {r => (r.year,r.state,r.county,r.value)}
// user designed strong typed resultset type. must extend FDAROW
  case class TypedRow(year: String, state: String, county: String, value: String) extends FDAROW
// strong typed resultset conversion function. declared implicit to remind during compilation
  implicit def toTypedRow(row: (String,String,String,String)): TypedRow =

// loader to read from database and convert result collection to strong typed collection
  val viewLoader = FDAViewLoader(slick.jdbc.H2Profile)(toTypedRow _)
  val dataSeq = viewLoader.fda_typedRows(aqmQuery.result)(db).toSeq
// turn Seq collection into FunDA stream with strong-typed rows
  val aqmStream: FDAPipeLine[TypedRow] =  fda_staticSource(dataSeq)()    
static view and dynamic streaming sources

Static sources or views are data structures completely loaded into memory after returning from running a query. Stream sources are data streams as returned query results that are reactive-streams conformant. In other words stream sources are backend cached and motivated by back-pressure. FunDA provides functions to produce sources. The following is a demonstration of static view producing:

// loader to read from database and convert result collection to strong typed collection
  val viewLoader = FDAViewLoader(slick.jdbc.H2Profile)(toTypedRow _)
  val dataSeq = viewLoader.fda_typedRows(aqmQuery.result)(db).toSeq
// turn Seq collection into FunDA stream with strong-typed rows
  val aqmView: FDAPipeLine[TypedRow] =  fda_staticSource(dataSeq)()    

stream source can be constructed as follows:

// strong typed source is also possible with Slick data streaming
  val streamLoader = FDAStreamLoader(slick.jdbc.H2Profile)(toTypedRow _)      
  val aqmStream: FDAPipeLine[TypedRow] = streamLoader.fda_typedStream(aqmQuery.result)(db)(512,512)()

as demonstrated above, both static collections and dynamic data streams can be transform into strong-typed-row sources.

Control data flow

Flow of rows in FunDA streams are controlled inside user-defined-tasks, in which a row is received from upstream and zero or one or more rows could be passed downstream. This means additional new rows could be constructed instantly and passed downstream inside these user-defined-tasks which makes FunDA logics much more flexible and powerful. Passing no row in a receive-send-loop is represented by skip. User could also halt stream by passing an end-of-stream signal downstream inside these user-defined-tasks. The following are some code samples:

   user-defined-task type is defined as follows:
   type FDAUserTask[ROW] = (ROW) => (Option[List[ROW]])
    /* user define function to be performed at a FDAWorkNode
    * given a row from upstream, return Option[List[ROW]] as follows:
    *    fda_skip  -> Some(Nil)           : skip sending the current row
    *    fda_next  -> Some(List(r1,r2...)): send r1,r2... downstream
    *    fda_break -> None                : halt stream, end of process
    * @tparam ROW   type of row
// a example of user-defined-task  
  def dancing: FDAUserTask[FDAROW] = row => {
    row match {
      case qmr: TypedRow =>
        qmr.year match {
          case a if a < 1960 =>
          // pass downstream untouched
          case b if b < 1970 => 
          // transform row
           fda_next(qmr.copy(year = 1970))
          case c if c < 1980 =>
          // pass alone with a new row. TypedRow is a case class
          case d if d < 2000 =>
          // do not process this row
          case _ =>
          // stop stream 
      // encounter unknown row type, break out  
      case _ => fda_break

defining user-defined-task

As a functional stream, It seems that some of the data access and processing in FunDA could be achieved in some pure functional ways like the following:

fdaStream.map(row => transformData(row)).map(action => runQueryAction(action))

unfortunately the fact is pure stream combinators lack powerful and flexible flow control abilities that are so crucial for processing stream elements, therefore user-defined-task is introduced as a programming model to deal with the situation. User-defined-tasks are functional combinators designed by users each to achieve a single minimal task, and a much more complexed final task could be assembled by composing many of these tiny tasks in a specific order and then startRun. The signature of FDAUserTask[ROW] is as follows:

  type FDAUserTask[ROW] = (ROW) => (Option[List[ROW]])

the above reads: an user-defined-task takes a row as input, use or transform it, and as a way of flow control, signify the state of next step of stream by returning Option[List[ROW]] as a result of execution of fda_next, fda_skip or fda_break. With the strong-typed-row requirement in place, the involved row types must extend from FDAROW and could be either a data-row or action-row.

types of rows

FunDA streams are strong-typed, all rows must extend FDAROW. There are several categories of rows:

  • data-row: any case class extending FDAROW with parameters representing fields:
    case class TypedRow(year: Int, state: String, value: Int) extends FDAROW
  • action-row: case class extending FDAROW with a Slick DBIOAction wrapped inside the parameter as follows:
    case class FDAActionRow(action: FDAAction) extends FDAROW sometimes we need to target an action row to be run in different database context. In that case we can just define any case class and extend FDAROW:
    case class MyActionRow(action: FDAAction) extends FDAROW
  • error-row: case class extending FDAROW with a caught Exception object wrapped inside its parameter.
    case class FDAErrorRow(e: Exception) extends FDAROW
    user can define their own error row for different exceptions as long as they extend FDAROW:
    case class MyErrorRow(msg: String, e: Exception) extends FDAROW
  • null-row: a signal object used to represent EOS(end-of-stream):
    case object FDANullRow extends FDAROW

User-defined-tasks have standard operation procedures as the following:

  1. determine row type by pattern-matching
  2. use row fields to perform data processing and transformation
  3. control flow of rows downstream

the following are samples of a few different purposed user-defined-tasks:

   //strong typed row type. must extend FDAROW 
  case class StateRow(state: String) extends FDAROW
  //a logging task. show name and pass row untouched downstream
  def showState: FDAUserTask[FDAROW] = row => {
    row match {
      case StateRow(sname) =>  //this is my row
        println(s"Name of state is:$sname")
      case _ => fda_skip    //not my row, do not pass it
//a filter and processing task.
//filter out rows with inconvertible value strings and out of ranged value and year
  def filterRows: FDAUserTask[FDAROW] = row => {
    row match {
      case r: AQMRaw => {  //this is the correct row
        try {  //process this row and catch exceptions
          val yr = r.year.toInt
          val v = r.value.toInt
          val vlu = if ( v > 10  ) 10 else v  //max value allowed
          //construct a new row 
          val data = AQMRPTModel(0,r.mid.toInt,r.state,r.county,yr,vlu,0,true)
          if ((yr > 1960 && yr < 2018))  //filtering
            fda_next(data)   //this row ok. pass downstream
            fda_skip    //filter out this row
        } catch {
          case e: Exception =>
            fda_next(FDAErrorRow(e))   //pass the caught exception as a row downstream
      case _ => fda_skip   //wrong type, skip
//a row transformation task
//transform data to action for later execution
  def toAction: FDAUserTask[FDAROW] = row => {
    row match {
      case r: AQMRPTModel =>  //this is my row
        val queryAction = AQMRPTQuery += r  //slick action
      case _ => fda_skip
//a query action runner task
//get a query runner and an action task
  val actionRunner = FDAActionRunner(slick.jdbc.H2Profile)
  def runActionRow: FDAUserTask[FDAROW] = action => {
    action match {
      case FDAActionRow(q) =>   //this is a query action row
         actionRunner.fda_execAction(q)(db)  //run it
      case other@_ => fda_next(other) //don't touch it, just pass down
      //someone else downstream could process it

to run many task as a whole, we compose them and startRun:

//compose the program
  val streamAllTasks =  streamAQMRaw.appendTask(filterRows)
//run program

In stream style processing, many times we need to aggregate over rows, this is where user-aggregate-task is designed to fit in. An user-aggregate-task has the following signature:

 type FDAAggrTask[AGGR,ROW] = (AGGR,ROW) => (AGGR,Option[List[ROW]])

AGGR could be any user defined type to represent the state of aggregation. From the above type signature, we can see it is a typical functional style function represented by input a state and output new state. The following is an example of user-aggregate-task:

//define a structure to represent aggregator type
  case class Accu(state: String, county: String, year: Int, count: Int, sumOfValue: Int)

//user defined aggregation task. only pass aggregated row downstream
  def countingAverage: FDAAggrTask[Accu,FDAROW] = (accu,row) => {
    row match {
      case aqmr: AQMRPTModel =>  //this is the target row type
        if (accu.state == "" || (aqmr.state == accu.state && aqmr.year == accu.year))
          //same condition: inc count and add sum, no need to pass row downstream
          (Accu(aqmr.state,aqmr.county,aqmr.year,accu.count+1, accu.sumOfValue+aqmr.value),fda_skip)
          //reset accumulator, create a new aggregated row and pass downstream
          (Accu(aqmr.state,aqmr.county,aqmr.year,1, aqmr.value)
      case FDANullRow =>
          //last row encountered. create and pass new aggregated row
        (Accu(accu.state,accu.county,accu.year,1, 0)
         //incorrect row type, do nothing
      case _ => (accu,fda_skip)

the following demonstrates how it is executed:


"aqmrStream" is a source with rows to be aggregated.

Running programs inside user-defined-task

A FunDA program consist of a source and multiple user-defined-tasks. It is possible to execute a FunDA program inside these user_defined-tasks. This means we have to call startRun inside the user-defined-task and some effect would inevitably be produced rending the calling user-defined-task impure. A complete example of FunDA program inside a user-defined-task is given below:

 //getting id with corresponding name from STATES table
  def getStateID(state: String): Int = {
    //create a stream for state id with state name
    implicit def toState(row:  StateTable#TableElementType) = StateModel(row.id,row.name)
    val stateLoader = FDAViewLoader(slick.jdbc.H2Profile)(toState _)
    val stateSeq = stateLoader.fda_typedRows(StateQuery.result)(db).toSeq
    //constructed a Stream[Task,String]
    val stateStream =  fda_staticSource(stateSeq)()
    var id  = -1
    def getid: FDAUserTask[FDAROW] = row => {
      row match {
        case StateModel(stid,stname) =>   //target row type
          if (stname.contains(state)) {
            id = stid
            fda_break      //exit
          else fda_skip   //take next row
        case _ => fda_skip

"getStateID" is a user-defined-function in which function "getid" is physically executed. Because "getid" is local, we are still confident to use the calling user-defined-function in composition with other combinators as following:

 //process input row and produce action row to insert into NORMAQM
  def getIdsThenInsertAction: FDAUserTask[FDAROW] = row => {
    row match {
      case aqm: AQMRPTModel =>
        if (aqm.valid) {
          val stateId = getStateID(aqm.state)
          val countyId = getCountyID(aqm.state,aqm.county)
          val action = NORMAQMQuery += NORMAQMModel(0,aqm.mid, stateId, countyId, aqm.year,aqm.value,aqm.total)
        else fda_skip
      case _ => fda_skip

in this case "getStateID" is called within another user-defined-task.

Parallel Processing

FunDA borrows its parallelism capabilities from scalaz-streams-fs2. There are two areas of parallel data processing application:

  • parallel loading of multiple sources
  • parallel execution of a single user-defined-task
parallel loading

Parallel loading of many sources is achieved by calling function fda-par-load provided in FunDA. These sources could be constructed from tables on many separate database-servers or by spliting huge data tables into smaller un-repeated data chunks like the following:

  //define query for extracting State names from AQMRPT
  val qryStates = AQMRPTQuery.map(_.state).distinct.sorted  
  case class States(name: String) extends FDAROW
  implicit def toStates(row: String) = States(row)
  val stateLoader = FDAStreamLoader(slick.jdbc.H2Profile)(toStates _)
  val statesStream = stateLoader.fda_typedStream(qryStates.result)(db_a)(64,64)()

  //define query for extracting County names from AQMRPT in separate chunks
  //query with state name >A and <K
  val qryCountiesA_K = AQMRPTQuery.filter(r => (r.state.toUpperCase > "A" &&
    r.state.toUpperCase < "K")).map(r => (r.state,r.county))
    .distinctOn(r => (r._1,r._2))
    .sortBy(r => (r._1,r._2))

  //query with state name >K and <P
  val qryCountiesK_P = AQMRPTQuery.filter(r => (r.state.toUpperCase > "K" &&
    r.state.toUpperCase < "P")).map(r => (r.state,r.county))
    .distinctOn(r => (r._1,r._2))
    .sortBy(r => (r._1,r._2))

  //query with state name >P
  val qryCountiesP_Z = AQMRPTQuery.filter(r => r.state.toUpperCase > "P")
    .map(r => (r.state,r.county))
    .distinctOn(r => (r._1,r._2))
    .sortBy(r => (r._1,r._2))

  case class Counties(state: String, name: String) extends FDAROW
  implicit def toCounties(row: (String,String)) = Counties(row._1,row._2)
  val countyLoader = FDAStreamLoader(slick.jdbc.H2Profile)(toCounties _)
  //3 separate streams to extract county names from the same database table AQMRPT
  val countiesA_KStream: FDAPipeLine[County] = countyLoader.fda_typedStream(qryCountiesA_K.result)(db_b)(64,64)()
  val countiesK_PStream: FDAPipeLine[County] = countyLoader.fda_typedStream(qryCountiesK_P.result)(db_b)(64,64)()
  val countiesP_ZStream: FDAPipeLine[County] = countyLoader.fda_typedStream(qryCountiesP_Z.result)(db_b)(64,64)()

once these sources are all constructed, we then load them parallelly:

  //obtain a combined stream with parallel loading with max of 4 open computation
  val combinedStream: FDAPipeLine[FDAROW] = fda_par_load(statesStream,countiesA_KStream,countiesK_PStream,countiesP_ZStream)(4)

doing parallel loading would most likely to produce a stream with multiple types of rows, in the above case States and Counties represent two different types of rows respectively. Therefore user-defined-tasks each targeting different type of row are designed to handle rows of its target type, like the following:

  //user-task to catch rows of States type and transform them into db insert actions
  def processStates: FDAUserTask[FDAROW] = row => {
    row match {
        //catch states row and transform it into insert action
      case States(stateName) =>  //target row type
        println(s"State name: ${stateName}")
        val action = StateQuery += StateModel(0,stateName)
      case others@ _ => //pass other types to next user-defined-tasks
  //user-task to catch rows of Counties type and transform them into db insert actions
  def processCounties: FDAUserTask[FDAROW] = row => {
    row match {
      //catch counties row and transform it into insert action
      case Counties(stateName,countyName) =>  //target row type
        println(s"County ${countyName} of ${stateName}")
        val action = CountyQuery += CountyModel(0,countyName+ " of "+stateName)
      case others@ _ => //pass other types to next user-defined-tasks
parallel loading a stream of sources

The above demonstration of parallel loading started with known number of sources. This is especially convenient for users to manually arrange sources of different row types in a parallel loading operation. But, when a list of sources is itself a stream, then to parallelly load the stream of sources we need to first convert the stream into FDAParSource over a FDASourceLoader function as follows:

 //loading rows with year yr
  def loadRowsInYear(yr: Int) = {
    //a new query
    val query = AQMRPTQuery.filter(row => row.year === yr)
    //reuse same loader
    AQMRPTLoader.fda_typedStream(query.result)(db)(256, 256)(println(s"End of stream ${yr}!!!!!!"))

  //loading rows by year
  def loadRowsByYear: FDASourceLoader = row => {
    row match {
      case Years(y) => loadRowsInYear(y) //produce stream of the year
      case _ => fda_appendRow(FDANullRow)
  //get parallel source constructor
  val parSource: FDAParSource = yearStream.toParSource(loadRowsByYear)

the following demonstrates loading of this parallel source:

  //produce a stream from parallel source
  val stream: FDAPipeLine[FDAROW] = fda_par_source(parSource)(4)

fda_par_source is actually a parallel execution function analogous to fda_runPar which is described in the following section.

parallel execution

FunDA provides a function fda_runPar as a parallel task runner. A parallel task has the following signature:

/** Parallel task type
    * stream of streams type for parallel running user action
    * use stream.toPar to convert from FDAUserTask
  type FDAParTask = Stream[Task,Stream[Task,Option[List[FDAROW]]]]

and a FDAUserTask can be converted to FDAParTask as bellow:


where "AQMRPTStream" is a FunDA source and toPar is its method to turn "getIdsThenInsertAction" into a parallel task of many instances running in different threads. The principle of parallel execution is by scrambling rows in a single input stream into several un-ordered streams as inputs to many instances of a single task running parallelly in different threads. A FDAParTask requires a special runner to be carried out as shown below:


fda_runPar has a signature as follows:

def fda_runPar(parTask: FDAParTask)(maxOpen: Int): FDAPipleLine[FDAROW]

maxOpen designates the maximum number of open computations or degree of parallelism and the actual number of open computations depends on a number of factors including CPU cores, size of thread-pool and no more than user suggested maximum number of open computations. Thread-pool can be adjusted from default values by declaring implicit instance of Strategy:

      implicit val strategy = Strategy.fromCachedDaemonPool("cachedPool")
//      implicit val strategy = Strategy.fromFixedDaemonPool(6)

the actual performance of parallelism requires thorough tuning of thread-pool strategies with respect to number of CPU cores. For whatever configurations, the performance gain through parallelism over single-thread task demonstrates great significance. A complete composition of parallel loading and parallel execution has the following model:

//get parallel source constructor
  val parSource = yearStream.toParSource(loadRowsByYear)
  //implicit val strategy = Strategy.fromCachedDaemonPool("cachedPool")
  //produce a stream from parallel sources
  val source = fda_par_source(parSource)(4)
  //turn getIdsThenInsertAction into parallel task
  val parTasks = source.toPar(getIdsThenInsertAction)
  //runPar to produce a new stream
  val actionStream =fda_runPar(parTasks)(4)
  //turn runInsertAction into parallel task
  val parRun = actionStream.toPar(runInsertAction)
  //runPar and carry out by startRun

remarks when writing parallel processing programs

According to experiments, FunDA concurrent combinators are quite sensitive to thread management. The maxOpen parameters of both fda_runPar and fda_par_source in the examples given above had to be tuned to avoid thread contention and process-hang. The example used HikariCP with parameters set below:

h2db {
    url = "jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost/~/slickdemo;mv_store=false"
    driver = "org.h2.Driver"
    connectionPool = HikariCP
    numThreads = 48
    maxConnections = 48
    minConnections = 12
    keepAliveConnection = true

Exceptions handling and Finalizers

FunDA provides a mechanism that guarantees a finalizer be called upon termination of the stream, no matter if it is naturally end of stream or break-out caused by interruptions or exceptions. Finalizers are in fact call-back-functions hooked-up to a FunDA program during source construction, like the following:

  val view = fda_staticSource(stateSeq)(println("***Finally*** the end of view!!!"))
  val stream = streamLoader.fda_typedStream(StateQuery.result)(db)(64,64)(println("***Finally*** the end of stream!!!"))

exceptions can be caught by onError call-backs that are hooked-up at the very end of FunDA stream in order to catch exceptions from all work-nodes as follows:

   val v = viewState.appendTask(errorRow).appendTask(trackRows)
   val v1 = v.onError {case e: Exception => println(s"Caught Error in viewState!!![${e.getMessage}]"); fda_appendRow(FDANullRow)}

   val s = streamState.appendTask(errorRow).appendTask(trackRows)
   val s1 = s.onError {case e: Exception => println(s"Caught Error in streamState!!![${e.getMessage}]"); fda_appendRow(FDANullRow)}

user defined exceptions

Sometimes we wish to watch some particular events and take corresponding actions when they take place. This can be achieved by user-defined-exceptions. User-defined-exceptions are special rows extending from FDAROW that can be caught by pattern matching. The following is an example of user-defined-exception and its handling:

  case class DivideZeroError(msg: String, e: Exception) extends FDAROW
  def catchError: FDAUserTask[FDAROW] = row => {
    row match {
      case StateModel(id,name) =>
        try {
          val idx = id / (id - 3)
          fda_next(StateModel(idx, name))
        } catch {
          case e: Exception => //pass an error row
            fda_next(DivideZeroError(s"Divide by zero exception at ${id}",e))
      case m@_ => fda_next(m)
  def trackRows: FDAUserTask[FDAROW] = row => {
    row match {
      case m@StateModel(id,name) =>
        println(s"State: $id $name")
        println( "----------------")
      case DivideZeroError(msg, e) => //error row
      case m@_ => fda_next(m)

  val s = streamState.take(5).appendTask(catchError).appendTask(trackRows)
  val s1 = s.onError {case e: Exception => println(s"Caught Error in streamState!!![${e.getMessage}]"); fda_appendRow(FDANullRow)}