
HTML5 SQL Server Integration Services Dashboard

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

SQL Server Integration Services Dashboard v 0.6.6 Beta

The purpose of this project is to provide a web-based, user-friendly, useful and nice looking SQL Server Integration Services Dashboard and a set of REST API to monitor execution of SQL Server Integration Services Packages.

Sample Screenshot

Installation procedure is here: https://github.com/yorek/ssis-dashboard#installation-procedure

Release Notes

v 0.6.6 Beta

  • Improved configuration management. Now confguration is read from config.cfg, which is NOT included in the GitHub repository. This is a step need to make easier to download updted version directly from GitHub.
  • Added support for Google Analytics

v 0.6.5 Beta

  • Moved to Roboto font for better readability
  • Navigation menu correctly sort items (Issue #19)
  • Started using pylint to have cleaner code

v 0.6.4 Beta

  • Updated to Python 3
  • Dropped usage of MetisMenu in favor of SmartMenus
  • Added package execution chart
  • Moved the package execution details in a dedicated page
  • Added the ability to display all events
  • Added a page to show parameters execution values and parameter overrides
  • Code cleanup and refactored

v 0.6.3 Beta

  • Added first support to show/hide navigation panel
  • Included Environment informations in package list (Issue #5)
  • Upgraded to Font Awesome v 4.5.0
  • Upgraded to Bootstrap 3.3.6
  • Added refresh page button

v 0.6.1 Beta

  • Updated Morris.js to v 0.5.1
  • Updated MetisMenu to v 1.1.1
  • Added information on "Child" Packages
  • Added more detail to the "Package Execution History" page. Also added an estimated end time / elapsed time for running packages, using a moving average of 7 steps.
  • Added navigation sidebar in the main page that shows available folders and projects
  • Added support for folders and project filtering
  • Changed configuration file in order to comply with Python/Flask standards
  • Cleaned Up code in order to follow Python best pratices (still a lot to do :))

v 0.5.2 Beta

Added support for "*" wildcard in project names. Now you can filter a specific project name using an url like:


Added initial support for Package Execution History. Just click on a package name and you'll see its latest 15 executions

v 0.4 Beta

First public release

Current Release

In the current release, no REST interface has been implemented yet. Priority has been put to the web interface. From the web interface the page with detailed and historical information on a single package is still missing.

Supported Environments

  • SQL Server 2012
  • SQL Server 2014
  • SQL Server 2016



  • HTML5, Bootstrap-Based, Web Interface, directly querying database


  • Change Web Interface to use JQuery to invoke REST APIs to get data from DB.
  • Remove any direct query to the database from the website dashboard

Platforms & Tools

SSIS Dashboard has been built using:

The IDE used is the phenomenal Visual Studio 2013 with the Python addin "Python Tools For Visual Studio"


Installation Procedure

Install Python

Download Python 3.6 and install using default options from https://www.python.org/ website. At the end of the installation process you'll have a C:\Python36 folder. Also the Anaconda distribution is supported.

Get SSIS Dashboard Files

Get the SSIS Dashboard source files from GitHub


For example store them into



Configure SSIS Dashboard

All you have to do put the correct connection string and values in the


file. The file needs to be created the very first time. To do that just create an empty text file in root folder and then copy the content from dashboard/config.py and put the configuration values correct for you. Chances are that you only need to set the correct connecting string: all the other values may be left as you find them. If you are using Google Analytics and want to track how the dashboard is used, you can put the Google Analytics code in the related configuration option, for example:

GOOGLE_ANALYTICS = 'UA-01234567-1'

Install Requirements

In order for SSIS Dashboard to run, the micro-framework Flask and PyODBC have to be installed. It's easy as doing this

cd c:\ssis-dashboard
c:\<python-install-folder>\Scripts\pip.exe install -r requirements.txt

provided that you downloaded the SSIS Dashboard source files into a directory named ssis-dashboard in the C: drive.

Please note that the above installation steps install the packages in the global catalog. If you are already using Python it's better to create a virtual environment and have the package installed there (instruction for Windows):

cd c:\ssis-dashboard
python -m venv env

and then proceeed to install package using the usual pip command:

c:\<python-install-folder>\Scripts\pip.exe install -r requirements.txt

Run SSIS Dashboard (deprecated)

After pip has finished its work, it's time to run the web app. Again it's as easy as doing this:

cd c:\ssis-dashboard
c:\<python-install-folder>\python.exe runserver.py

now you can open your preferred browser and point to


and voilĂ , SSIS Dashboard running for you.

If you want to be able to access the dashboard also from a different address than "localhost", you just have to set the SERVER_HOST environment variable, before running the app:

set SERVER_HOST=myserver.domain.name
cd c:\ssis-dashboard
c:\<python-install-folder>\python.exe runserver.py

Run SSIS Dashboard

Since Flask 0.12 the preferred method to run Flask application is to use flask command:

set FLASK_APP=dashboard/__init__.py
flask run

in this case the server will listen on port 5000 by default:


for more information, like

  • enabling Debug mode
  • changing default tcp port
  • allowing the app to serve different hostname than "localhost"

please read the Flask Quickstart