
🥩 The admin dashboard of Toko Barokah website

Primary LanguagePHP

Barokah Admin

The admin dashboard of barokah-shop. Demo: https://barokah.bayudc.fun/admin

🧢 Roles & abilities

  • Admin: managing product, category, and employee
  • Worker: managing transaction, and product stocks

👤 Sample Users

Email Password Role
admin@barokah.shop password Admin
alvin@barokah.shop password Worker
rijal@barokah.shop password Worker
dafa@barokah.shop password Worker

✨ Features?

Try it yourself here, i am too dumb to explain it

🎨 Tech Stacks

  • Laravel 10
  • Livewire 3
  • Tailwind
  • NotusJS
  • MariaDB

🖼 Screenshots

Home Transaction Stock Product Employee

and more...

🔥 Dev Setup

Requirements: php(8.2), composer, and bun

composer install
php artisan key:generate
php artisan migrate --seed
php artisan serve

bun install
bun run dev