
A TypeScript and React SPA built with full type integrations and modular components.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

The initial state of this project includes all of the functionality for viewing the accounts and transactions for a client of Bank Inc. The transfer view of the Application is a work in progress - it includes all of the fields necessary for transfer with full data validation, but the feature needs more development and the form has not been fully integrated with the backend system.

To Run the project, clone the repo and run: yarn start

The application has been deployed in its current state: https://glacial-plains-92361.herokuapp.com/accounts

The backend is a basic non-relational DB + rest API built with Node, Express, and MongoDB. The backend code is in another repo and can be shared upon request. The live service is hosted through mLab and Heroku.

This project utilizes a couple of very well developed third-party open source libraries I would like to recognize: react-table downshift react-modal Icons and Color Schemes were generated with the SchemeColor and FlatIcons web services.

This project was also bootstrapped with Create React App.