
Tool that can be helpful if you would like to create the some environment anywhere. Developed with db-migrate nodes library and Percona tool as a combination go two tools on order to use the same code of migration

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Tool that can be helpful if you would like to create the some environment anywhere. Developed with db-migrate nodes library and Percona tool as a combination go two tools on order to use the same code of migration

You will be able to use this documentation in order to manage migrations. This is only tool that procvides interface to work with db-migrate and percona-toolkit

Build docker image

docker build . -t mysql-migrate

Create new migration

docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/code mysql-migrate npm run migrate -- -e local create some_migration_name

Run migrations

docker run --rm mysql-migrate npm run migrate -- -e local up

docker run --rm mysql-migrate npm run migrate -- -e local down