
A Repository for easy access to Climate, Environmental, & Energy Data for students in the UC Berkeley School of Information (and any others!)


Climate, Environmental, & Energy Data for students in the UC Berkeley School of Information (and any others!)

Look here for collections of climate-related datasets:

  • climate (generally: temperature & ghg emissions data)
  • energy (generally: energy generation & storage data)
  • environment (generally: land, freshwater, ocean, & organics data)

please note: there is some crossover (ie. tracking water temp & currents in the ocean could be climate or environment), so look in the other directories if you can't find your exact data)

Look here for collections of climate-related projects:

  • past-projects
  • project-ideas

Other Resources We've Found Useful

NASA ARSET - Fundamentals of Remote Sensing Training

TorchGeo - PyTorch Domain Library for Geospatial Data