
Tools to import data from an onvista bank depot account into the Portfolio Performance application.

Primary LanguagePython


Tools to import data from an onvista bank depot account into the free and useful Portfolio Performance application.

Import data from onvista to Portfolio Performance

Initial import

To set up your initial Portfolio Performance portfolio, export your "DeportĂĽbersicht Wertpapiere" to CSV. depotuebersicht


Then import this into Portfolio Performance using the template provided in this repo called Portfolio Performance CSV templates\onvista_securites_account_statement_(initial_import).json The CSV import is under File/Import/CSV Files.

Import further transactions

After the initial import, any new transactions you perform in your account can be exported via the "Transaktionsliste Wertpapiere" menu in the onvista webapp. transaktionsliste

Export to CSV again.

This CSV needs to be converted to a Portfolio Performance-friendly format, using the script convert_onvista_transaction_list.py. Script was developed in Python 3.7.

The only argument is -f, which should point to the transaction list CSV you've exported from onvista. It'll create a converted file and place it in the same folder as the input file, with the _import_ready filename suffix.

This file can then be imported into Portfolio Performance using the template in this repo called Portfolio Performance CSV templates\onvista_transaction_list.json