Node.js program which does only one simple thing: converts markdown file to html (or esc codes).
- Clone this repo
- Install Node.js (if you haven't already)
- Open project folder in console, so you can directly call files inside it (or just open a terminal and use full path)
- Run
npm install
(forgot to mension in last lab) - Run
node app.js <path to input file>
(this is not setup, this is app launch itself) (Also usenode app.js -h
for help)
node app.js <file>
- converts given file and writes result to consolenode app.js -o <output file> <file>
- same, but writes to given file insteadnode app.js -format=esc <file>
- uses esc codes instead of html (can be combined with o)
npm test
in the project with installed deps. - that's all.
Just do steps 1-4 from How to launch than start work with projects. All pushes automatically checked with github actions. all commands provided here and via help command.
Since I mostly work with unity tests implementation is hard for me, because i don't need ball to move with specified speed, no, i need ball to be realistic. Maybe this is incorrect approach but it is what it is. But in some cases (like check some function in unity or writing program not for this engine, but maybe smth. for math or backend) it will be usefull.
Use this consciously and at your own risk.