
watch and launch your valorant account(s) without loggin in

Primary LanguagePython

          ____   ____      .__         __      __        __         .__                  
          \   \ /   _____  |  |   ____/  \    /  _____ _/  |_  ____ |  |__   ___________ 
           \   Y   /\__  \ |  |  /  _ \   \/\/   \__  \\   ___/ ___\|  |  \_/ __ \_  __ \
            \     /  / __ \|  |_(  <_> \        / / __ \|  | \  \___|   Y  \  ___/|  | \/
             \___/  (____  |____/\____/ \__/\  / (____  |__|  \___  |___|  /\___  |__|   
                         \/                  \/       \/          \/     \/     \/       
                             Watch your valorant accounts locally. 

📌 Features

  • Multiple Account Support
    • Lauch valorant with your alts easly :))
  • Profile view
    • Level
    • XP
    • MMR
    • Rank
    • Balances
  • Shop Checker
    • Daily Shop
    • NightMarket (if available)
  • Last competitive matches updates
  • Account Manager (launcher)
  • Supports 2FA Auth. Stay safe out there.

Screenshot 2022-10-07 at 19 48 59

📝 How to get started

  1. add your valorant account(s) in config.ini as:
riot_username = your_username_to_log_in
password = your_password
riot_username = your_username_to_log_in
password = your_password
  1. install the needed modules
    • install manually with pip install
    • install by requirements.txt with pip install -r requirements.txt
  2. Change in launcher.py the RIOTCLIENT_PATH to the path of your RiotClientServices.exe
  3. run vw.py once inside GUI folder

🧱 Contributions

Everything is welcomed :) If u want to add something and improve this tool just make a pull request and i'll check it