
Primary LanguageShellGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

nvidia driver updater

Installing the nvidia linux driver on a machine that has secure boot enabled is hard enough. Only seeing the terminal after a kernel update after having gone through the hassle of setting up the driver is mildly infuriating. The easiest solution to have a working desktop environment is to re-install the driver after the kernel update. It's not so easy if you are only looking at a terminal though.

To overcome the struggle of manually installing the driver after each kernel update, you can use this script.


  1. You are running debian.
  2. You already have enrolled a key pair to MOK.
  3. You are online.


1. Set up variables

Run /bin/bash driver-update-variables.sh. This will interactively set the following variables:

Variable Description Default
baseUrl URL to nvidia's driver directory. Other architectures are listed here. http://download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86_64/
fileNamePrefix Prefix of the driver file name. Adjust according to your architecture. NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-
fileNameSuffix Suffix of the driver file name. .run
publicKeyFilePath Path to the public part of the key pair which has to have been previously enrolled in the MOK storage. /root/mok.pem
privateKeyFilePath Path to the private part of the key pair which has to have been previously enrolled in the MOK storage. /root/mok.priv

2. Update and install the latest driver

Login to a root shell and execute the driver-update.sh script.

The script depends on curl to query the base url, it then uses pup to transform the curl output to json and finally filters that using jq. After retrieving the latest file name wget is used to download it.

Once the download has finished, you need to provide the passphrase to the key pair which has been enrolled in the MOK storage. If you have not secured the key pair with a passphrase just press enter.

The script then executes the downloaded file and provides all the parameters needed to install and sign the driver. After the installation is complete, nvidia-xconfig is invoked.