Be API FrontEnd Framework

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What is BFF ?

Be API Frontend Framework (or BFF) is a WordPress theme boilerplate designed to assist you in launching your own WordPress theme using modern tools.



You need composer to autoload all your classes from the inc folder.

Use the beapi/composer-scaffold-theme package that add it automatically to the composer.json file. You can add it yourself like this :

    "autoload": {
        "psr-4": {
            "BEA\\Theme\\Framework\\": "content/themes/framework/inc/"


The autoload is based on psr-4 and handled by composer.


You need the latest stable version of Node.js.


Download the latest release of BFF here and extract the zip archive into your themes WordPress's folder.

| |____plugins
| |____themes
| | |____beapi-frontend-framework
| |____uploads

Of course, you can rename beapi-frontend-framework to define your WordPress theme's name.

Next, go to your theme folder (in the following example, I didn't rename beapi-frontend-framework) with your favorite Term software.

cd wp-content/themes/beapi-frontend-framework

Then install node dependencies with Yarn.


Alternatively, you can use NPM.

npm install


The configurations files are in config directory.


You can find the common Webpack settings file in webpack.common.js. For development mode purpose, you can edit file and for production mode, you can edit You also have the loaders in loaders.js file and Webpack's plugin in plugins.js file.

How to use BFF ?

After installing dependencies, you can run some commands which are explained below.

Start with Browser Sync

BFF is configured to work with lando. If you have a .lando.yml file in your project's root, set the path to your file in the browsersync.config.js file.

let fileContents = fs.readFileSync('../../../../.lando.yml', 'utf8')

Then, run the following command from the theme :

yarn start

BrowserSync will proxy your lando'server based on the name defined in your .lando.yml.


yarn build

Bundle report

You can launch a bundle report with the following command :

yarn bundle-report

WordPress Editor (Gutenberg)

Customize blocks

The bff_editor_custom_settings filter allow you to customize blocks styles and variations. For example:

add_filter( 'bff_editor_custom_settings', 'customize_editor_settings', 10, 1 );
function customize_editor_settings( $settings ) {
	// Disable all block styles for Separator block
	$settings[ 'disableAllBlocksStyles' ] = [ 'core/separator' ];

	// Disable specific block style for Button block
	$settings[ 'disabledBlocksStyles' ]   = [ 'core/button' => [ 'outline' ] ];

	// Allow only YouTube variation for Embed block
	$settings[ 'allowedBlocksVariations' ] = [ 'core/embed' => [ 'youtube' ] ];

	return $settings;