In the C software projects I'm involved in I grew tired of the excessive boiler plate code for error checking and releasing resources in exceptional cases, and despite all the effort there's always a leak here and there. I wanted to have an exception handling mechanism like most modern programming languages have, allowing for centralized error handling. The critical issue with exception handling, often overlooked, is releasing the acquired resources. There are two differing philosophies: - RAII (e.g., C++), in which destructors are automatically called for any objects going out of their scope. This works also in cases where functions let exceptions pass through uncatched. - finally blocks (e.g., java), which contain code that releases the resources. I strongly prefer the first option, since in my opinion finally blocks make exceptions to be little more than structured return values if non-leaky code is pursued; it practically means that exceptions must be caught in every function that does acquire some resources, which is in stark contrast with the goal of centralized error handling. There is garbage collection of course, but there's no guarantee when it's invoked and for some resources such as mutex locks that's just not good enough. There are numerous exception handling libraries available for C, most based on setjmp/longjmp, some providing finally blocks, and some even have support for local-scope RAII. But for true RAII we need more, we need smartpointers. This project intends to provide C++ like exception handling and smartpointer functionality to C programs; RAII style programming, and no explicit cleanup procedures in "finally" blocks. This project provides both unique pointers that always have a single owner, but ownership is transferrable, and shared, reference counted object with strong and weak references. The project is divided in the following library modules: - exception.{c,h} define basic exception handling functionality and macros defining TRY-CATCH-TRY_END macro brackets, and macros throw(e) and rethrow for throwing exceptions. - exc_classes.{c,h} provide definitions for some useful exception classes - exc_std.{c,h} implement wrappers for some standard C library functions that throw exceptions in case of failure - autocleanup.{c,h} provides basic smartpointer functionality by defining classes acu_unique and acu_shared (analogous to unique_ptr and shared_ptr in C++, or more precisely, acu_shared is analogous to the counter object pointed to by shared_ptr), functions for managing them, and macro brackets BEGIN..END and BEGIN_SCOPE..END_SCOPE, which should be used instead of braces at least in those parts of code that assume automatic cleanup, and macros acu_return, acu_exit_scope and acu_exit for clean exit from a scope. See file "smartpointers_in_c.txt" for a more detailed description of this library. - acu_std.{c,h} provides wrappers for some standard library constructors (such as malloc, fopen, pthread_mutex_lock, ...) that create unique pointers to the resources making them subject to automatic cleanup. See simple program "example.c" for examples on use of exceptions and smartpointers. gcc *.c -o example
Exception handling and smart pointer (automatic cleanup) libraries for C