
Telegram ban bot

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Telegram manual ban bot

PHP 8.3 Docker 26.1 DockerCompose 2.27 PostgreSQL 15





  • PHP 8.3
  • Nginx 1.19
  • PostgreSQL 15
  • Redis 5
  • Memcached
  • Supervisor
  • Composer 2.5
  • ...



Copy project anywhere you like

git clone git@github.com:BeMySlaveDarlin/banish.git
cd banish

Prepare .env

cp .env.example .env

List of mandatory params:

  • APP_ENV - main param, can be prod, dev, local, test
  • APP_SECRET - important param for bot webhook integration
  • DATABASE_PORTS - highly recommended to change leading value to random one for security
  • MEMCACHED_PORTS - same importance as for DATABASE_PORTS
  • TELEGRAM_BOT_NAME - username of your telegram bot (eg: some_awesome_bot), without leading @
  • TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN - token for API requests

Build and run

You can manually deploy all required services (nginx, pgsql, php[fpm], supervisor and etc) by yourself. In this case, you can skip the rest of readme.

For those, who do not mind using docker and make, next steps

  • Copy override file depending on APP_ENV you're using
cp docker/dummy/compose/docker-compose.prod.yaml docker-compose.override.yaml
  • Place any self-signed certificate into var/ssl. Feel free to use dummy certs from docker/dummy/ssl for dev env - just copy to var/ssl
server.crt //public key
server.key //private key
  • Run make to start build
  • Use make down to remove containers and stop application

Configuring finalized ban proccess deletion

  • Check out public.queue_schedule_rule table.
  • Change option rule for schedule clear_bot_messages to desired value:
    • For type: cron you can set cron rule
    • For type: every you can set expressions: 5 seconds, 2 hours, 7 days...
  • Or, if you don't want to delete ban messages, just remove record for schedule clear_bot_messages

General usage guide

  • Create your bot via @BotFather using Tutorial
  • Set telegram bot api webhook https://api.telegram.org/bot<TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN>/setWebhook?url=https://<HOSTNAME>/api/telegram/webhook/<APP_SECRET>
  • Add your bot to the chat as administrator
    • Read, Write, Delete messages
    • Reply, Ban users
  • Command /votesLimit ? to set max limit ? of votes, required to ban or forgive user. Default is 3 (minimal required also is 3)
  • Command /toggleBot to enable BANHAMMER! feature. One more time to disable bot. Default is false
  • Command /toggleDeleteMessage toggles state of message deletion on ban. Works like a switch. Default is true

Global bot disable

If you want for some reason to disable bot globally

How to ban?

  • Ways to start ban procedure
    • Directly reply to spam message with mentioning @bot_name
    • Mention @bot_name, and it will start procedure for previous message and user
  • After ban procedure starts
    • Vote for Ban/Forgive
    • Cap to a vote limits

If you have new and marvelous idea

Fork and Request Pull!

If you found issue or most probably shit-code

Create an Issue
