Computer Science Honors Student at University of Cape Town. (Most of my projects are privated due to current enrollment)
Pinned Repositories
Ant garbage cleanup sim
A C++ project focused on image processing to identify and analyze connected components within binary images. The program implements thresholding, connected component extraction using 4-connectivity, and features a PGMimageProcessor class for efficient handling of image data.
A C++ project to extract and process video sequences from large images, utilizing a FrameSequence class to store and manipulate frames. Implements memory management, image transformations, and sequence generation for video creation from high-resolution input images.
Basic implementations of a convolutional neural network as well as a simple multi layer perceptron to classify items in the CIFAR10 dataset.
Web app built using react that uses a ML API to detect faces in images.
This project contains a serial and parallel versions of a median filter as well as a mean filter for processing images. The parallel versions use a fork join pool to obtain a sped up version of the serial programs' results.
Little React web app to showcase some basic functionality using robofriends API
Discovery 2024 Gradhack Winning project. Python based api for backend, using osmnx and routing algorithms to optimise routes through Gauteng, based on crime and safety information generated by our data processing scripts. Front end is a mobile app that calls said api, based on location and preferences of user.
Small and fun one page web application that fetches random Star Wars character's stats upon clicking the button, uses SWAPI api
BeN-ClevelanD's Repositories
A C++ project focused on image processing to identify and analyze connected components within binary images. The program implements thresholding, connected component extraction using 4-connectivity, and features a PGMimageProcessor class for efficient handling of image data.
A C++ project to extract and process video sequences from large images, utilizing a FrameSequence class to store and manipulate frames. Implements memory management, image transformations, and sequence generation for video creation from high-resolution input images.
Basic implementations of a convolutional neural network as well as a simple multi layer perceptron to classify items in the CIFAR10 dataset.
Discovery 2024 Gradhack Winning project. Python based api for backend, using osmnx and routing algorithms to optimise routes through Gauteng, based on crime and safety information generated by our data processing scripts. Front end is a mobile app that calls said api, based on location and preferences of user.
A simple Next.js tutorial project that for creators to publish fundraising campaigns
Ant garbage cleanup sim
Web app built using react that uses a ML API to detect faces in images.
Little React web app to showcase some basic functionality using robofriends API
Small and fun one page web application that fetches random Star Wars character's stats upon clicking the button, uses SWAPI api
This project contains a serial and parallel versions of a median filter as well as a mean filter for processing images. The parallel versions use a fork join pool to obtain a sped up version of the serial programs' results.