
An open-source Netty 5 based Minecraft server in Java

Primary LanguageJava


An alternative Minecraft server in Java.


Rush is a lightweight, from scratch, open source Minecraft server written in Java that will support plugins written for the Bukkit API.

The main goals of the project are to provide a lightweight implementation of the Bukkit API and Minecraft server where exact vanilla functionality is not needed or higher performance is desired than the official software can deliver.


Rush is currently compatible with following Minecraft versions.

  • Minecraft 1.7.6 - 1.7.9 (protocol #5)
  • Minecraft 1.7.2 - 1.7.5 (protocol #4)
  • Minecraft 1.6.4 - (protocol #78)

Planned compatibility:

  • Minecraft 1.8
  • Minecraft 1.2.5 (?)


Rush can be build with Maven. In Eclipse, import as Existing Maven Project and locate the pom.xml. Recommended compile goal is "clean install". Compiled file is located inside the Rush folder and inside the "target" folder.


Running Rush is simple because its dependencies are shaded into the output jar at compile time. Simply execute java -jar rush.jar along with any extra JVM options desired.

Rush uses JLine for console input and colored console output.


Rush has currently partial documentation in code and more will follow.

For documentation on the Bukkit API, see the Bukkit Javadocs.
