
Primary LanguagePython

Instructions to run, are at the end

eEvent is an online event attendance.

There are two users:

  • Organizer who creates events and discounts for events
  • Attender who attends in events with or without using discounts

These users have their own panel and signup section Login is same for all

First install nodejs

then in project folder run

python -m pip install django-tailwind


python -m pip install django_browser_reload


python manage.py tailwind install

install maildev

npm -g install maildev

and run maildev


and you can see the mails on: http://{host}:1080

and run tailwind to show styles

python manage.py tailwind start

create super user:

python manage.py createsuperuser

go to django admin and create two groups:

  • AUTH_ORGANIZER: should have all event, discount, attendence permissions
  • AUTH_ATTENDER: should have only view permission for event and discount, all permisions for attendence

finally run the app

python manage.py runserver

Database configuration should be done via settings.py