
Simple Unit tests for C/C++

Primary LanguageC

sunit - Simple Unit Tests for C/C++

This is a somewhat mininal unit testing framework.

Usage: Include sunit.h and define two variables global to the translation unit/s containing the tests: int testsRun = 0 and int testsPassed = 0. To make a test, make a function that returns an int and put return 1; at the bottom. Put as many asserts as you wish inside the function - if they all pass, the test function passes; if any fail, the test function fails. To run a test, use RUN_TEST(), with the name of the test in the parenthesis. To see a summary of the tests so far, use TEST_SUMMARY().

Each of the following asserts test a condition. Each prints: <PASSED/FAILED>: <FILE>, <LINE>: expected <a> <condition> <b>. The exception is ASSERT(a), which prints: <PASSED/FAILED>: <FILE>, <LINE>: expected <a> == true (!= 0).


  • ASSERT(a): tests a == true, which in C-style is a != 0
  • ASSERT_EQ(a, b): tests a == b
  • ASSERT_NEQ(a, b): tests a != b
  • ASSERT_GT(a, b): tests a > b
  • ASSERT_LT(a, b): tests a < b
  • ASSERT_GEQ(a, b): tests a >= b
  • ASSERT_LEQ(a, b): tests a <= b
  • ASSERT_STREQ(a, b): tests strcmp(a, b) == 0
  • ASSERT_STRNEQ(a, b): tests strcmp(a, b) != 0

Other macros:

  • RUN_TEST(test): runs a test and stores the result (1 for passed; 0 for failed)
  • TEST_SUMMARY(): prints a summary of the tests so far


#include "sunit.h"

int passing_test(void);
int failing_test(void);

int main()

int passing_test()
    ASSERT_GEQ(1, 1);
    return 1;

int failing_test()
    ASSERT_GEQ(0, 1);
    return 1;

Would print

Running test passing_test
PASSED: <file>, 18: expected '1' >= '1'
Running test failing_test
FAILED: <file>, 24: expected '0' >= '1'
Passed: 1 | Failed: 1 | Total: 2