
A CLI tool to set up and deploy composable liquidity pools on the Basin DEX.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A CLI tool to set up and deploy composable liquidity pools on the Basin DEX.

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Getting Started

Follow these steps and open a terminal (cmd on windows) to get started with this project:

  1. Install Node.js and npm:

    • First check if you have Node.js and npm installed by running:
      node --version
      npm --version
    • If you see version numbers, you're good to go!
    • If you don't, you can download Node.js and npm for Windows and MacOS from here.
    • And for Linux distributions, you can follow the instructions here.
  2. Clone this repository and cd into it:

    git clone https://github.com/BeanstalkFarms/Basin-Well-Deployer.git && cd Basin-Well-Deployer
  3. Install dependencies:

    npm install
  4. Create a .env file and add your PRIVATE_KEY and ALCHEMY_RPC_URL as shown in the .env.example.

  • To export your private key from Metamask, open Metamask and go to Account Details > Export Private Key.

  • You can find detailed guides on how to export your key here.

  • Beware: NEVER share your private key with anyone and dont commit it to a public repository.

  • To get an Alchemy RPC URL, sign up for an account at Alchemy and create a new project. Select the Ethereum network you want to deploy to and copy the https URL.

Deploying a Well

  • To deploy a well with existing deployed components, run the following command:

    npx hardhat run scripts/deployWell.js --network <network>
  • Replace <network> with the network you want to deploy to. Options are mainnet and sepolia.

  • The script will then guide you through the process of deploying a new well.

Deploying a Component

  • To deploy a new component, run the following command:

    npx hardhat run scripts/deployComponent.js --network <network>
  • Replace <network> with the network you want to deploy to. Options are mainnet and sepolia.

  • To integrate your new component into the well, you will need to grab the address of the deployed component and add it as input to the deployWell script.