
Best bitfinex API client for v1 & v2

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Bitfinex API



Private API, v1

from bitfinex_api.v1.private import BitfinexPrivateAPIClient
client = BitfinexPrivateAPIClient('Key','Secret')
>>> [{'amount': '9.69514666',
     'available': '9.69514666',
     'currency': 'bch',
     'type': 'exchange'},

Public API, v1

from bitfinex_api.v1.public import BitfinexPublicAPIClient
client = BitfinexPublicAPIClient()
>>> ['btcusd', 'ltcusd', 'ltcbtc', 'ethusd', ...]


  • TODO


Bold means that it's implemented, regular - it is not implemented.

Format is 'Docs method name - function_name'


  1. General

    1.1 Account info

    1.2 Account fees

    1.3 Summary

    1.4 Deposit

    1.5 Key Permissions

    1.6 Margin Information

    1.7 Wallet Balances

    1.8 Transfer Between Wallets

    1.9 Withdrawal

  2. Orders

    2.1 New order - place_order

    2.2 Multiple new orders

    2.3 Cancel order - delete_order

    2.4 Cancel multiple orders

    2.5 Cancel all orders - delete_all_orders

    2.6 Replace order

    2.7 Order status - status_order

    2.8 Active orders - active_orders

    2.9 Orders history

  3. Positions

    3.1 Active positions - active_positions

    3.2 Claim position - claim_position

  4. Historical data

    4.1 Balance history - history

    4.2 Deposit-Withdrawal history - history_movements

    4.3 Past trade - past_trades

  5. Margin funding

    5.1 New offer - place_offer

    5.2 Cancel offer - cancel_offer

    5.3 Offer status - status_offer

    5.4 Active credits

    5.5 Offers - active_offers

    5.6 Offers history

    5.7 Past funding trades

    5.8 Active Funding Used in a margin position

    5.9 Active Funding Not Used in a margin position

    5.10 Total taken funds

    5.11 Total taken funds

    5.12 Close margin funding

    5.13 Basket manage

    5.14 Close position


None yet


  • Implement rest of the methods for v1
  • Start v2
  • Throw special exception on permissions mismatch


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