
Beartime234 - Quizzes Questions

Primary LanguagePython

Slack Quiz Data

This repository holds questions for the following slack quizzes

Getting Started

If you would like to submit your own question or make changes to the current questions you can find them under the questions directory. For more instructions on how to submit your own questions view SUBMITTING_QUESTIONS.

The project has two main parts to it. The 'uploader' which is python code responsible for uploading and validating the questions to the database when you push to master. As well as the quiz questions which are YAML based files which store quiz question information for a range of quizzes.


The 'uploader' runs on Python 3.6+ so make sure you have that installed. You will also need pipenv installed.

You can install pipenv using brew

brew install pipenv


This project uses pipenv for dependency management.

To install the required packages run the following command

pipenv sync --dev

Adding a question

There is a simple command line based prompt tool which can help you add questions easily. You can run this with the following command

pipenv run python -m uploader.create

this will help you add questions to the yaml files located under questions/ before submitting these questions double check the questions you have updated to make sure the questions were added correctly.

There are detailed examples on how to do this under SUBMTTING_QUESTIONS

Running The Tests

Question Validator

To run the question validator to make sure your questions are valid before submitting them run the following command from the root directory.

pipenv run python -m uploader.validate

This will check that your questions are valid and follow question guidelines.

TODO add question guidelines doc

Uploader Tests

To run the unit tests on the uploader code run the following from the root directory.

pipenv run python -m pytest tests/ -vv


You need to have two environment variables set before deploying the questions. As it is built for CICD pipelines and shouldn't really be used directly.

AWS_PROFILE: Your local AWS profile which gives you access to the quiz data storage table.

QUIZ_STORAGE_TABLE: The name of the table that you will be uploading the questions too. For information on how to set this up see Database.

To deploy the code into the database you would run the following command from the root directory. Make sure you have validated the questions before uploading them.

pipenv run python -m uploader.update


but this will not work unless you have a database. You can run your own version of the database by building templates/data.yml If your pull request has been approved and merged to master this code will run to move the questions into the quiz question table. So you shouldn't have to worry about it unless there is an issue with it.

Built With


Please read CONTRIBUTING for details on how to raise issues and the process for submitting pull requests.

For submitting a question see SUBMITTING_QUESTIONS.
