
  • JSX

  • Node js

    $ node -v
  • Create-react-app

    $ npm install -g create-react-app
    • Npm:Runs 'npm'

    • Install:Install a package onto our computers

    • -g:Install this package globally

    • Create-react-app:Name of the package

  • Generating a React Project

    $ create-react-app jsx
    • jsx:

      1. Babel
      • 編譯把使用者的 ES 2015~9 語法變成 ES5 JS 再給瀏覽器
      1. Webpacker
      2. Dev Server
  • Project Directory

    • src:Folder where we put all the source code we write
    • public:Folder that stores static files, like images
    • node_modules:Folder that contains all of our project dependencies
    • package.json:Records the exact version of packages that we install
    • package-lock.json:Records the exact version of packages that we install
    • on how to use this project
  • Starting and Stopping React App

    • Start

      $ npm start
    • Stop

      control + c	
  • JavaScript Module Systems

    • import the React and ReactDom libraries

      import React from "react";
      import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
    • Create a react component

      const App = () => {
        return <div>Hi there!</div>;
    • Take the react component and show it on the screen

        <App />,