GameplayEffect Test
Unreal Engine 5.1
Test effect "Per Rage Add 0.2% CriticalChance"
CriticalChance = CriticalChance + Rage * 0.2f;
There are ETestType define in AMyCharacter.cs,
enum class ETestType : uint8
**GMMC **and AttributeBase are almost identical in principle, while GEEC was dropped because it cannot be used for Infinite, OverrideGetter was dropped because it causes more complications, PostAttributeChange is available, but to listen for the application and removal of Effect requires more c++ code.
In summary Finally, you can use AttributeBase, GMMC and PostAttributeChange to implement them. When using AttributeBase and GMMC, you need to pay attention that the Setter method cannot be called in PostGameplayEffectExecute.
void UMyAttributeSet::PostGameplayEffectExecute(const FGameplayEffectModCallbackData& Data)
* When using the AttributeBase approach,
* calling SetCriticalChance() here will cause other GE's to modify CriticalChance incorrectly
// SetCriticalChance(FMath::Max(GetCriticalChance(), 0.0f));