
Python class for distributed video processing and encoding

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

TCPClip for VapourSynth

Python class for distributed video processing and encoding


Server side (adjust threads or don't set varibale for auto-detection)

from TCPClip import Server
<your vpy code>
Server('<ip addr>', 14322, get_output(), threads=8, log_level='info', compression_method=None, compression_level=1, compression_threads=1)


py EP01.py
py EP02.py
py EP12.py

Client side (plain encoding)

from TCPClip import Client
Client('<ip addr>', port=14322, log_level='info', shutdown=True).to_stdout()

Batches (plain encoding)

py client.py | x264 ... --demuxer "y4m" --output "EP01.264" -
py client.py | x264 ... --demuxer "y4m" --output "EP02.264" -
py client.py | x264 ... --demuxer "y4m" --output "EP12.264" -

Client side (VS Source mode)

from TCPClip import Client
from vapoursynth import core
clip = Client('<ip addr>', port=14322, log_level='info', shutdown=True).as_source()
<your extra vpy code>

Batches (VS Source mode)

vspipe -y EP01.vpy - | x264 ... --demuxer "y4m" --output "EP01.264" -
vspipe -y EP02.vpy - | x264 ... --demuxer "y4m" --output "EP02.264" -
vspipe -y EP12.vpy - | x264 ... --demuxer "y4m" --output "EP12.264" -