
This is a website of a fictional studio by the name Delani studio.


  • Beatrice Wambui.
  • Kenyan Citizen.
  • Student Moringa School.

Live Page Display

Setup Instruction


The project should display a Landing page for a fictional studio called Delani. The user should be in a position to:

  • See a short description of what Delani-Studio is about.
  • Hover between the about icons and read more about Delani.
  • Enter a message of their comments.
  • See an alert message incase nothing is written on the user form.
  • Click the submit button to see their names and a thank you message.
  • On touching the mouse on the first page the user should see a hidden text.

Technologies used

  • html
  • css
  • bootstrap
  • Javascript
  • Jquery
  • markdown

Contact Information


License & Copyright

  • MIT license
  • copyright@BeatriceWambui2019