
Object pooling library for C# and Unity3D

Primary LanguageC#OtherNOASSERTION


Current Version: 0.3.1
Updated 12 April 2024 | Changelog


BeauPools is an object pooling library for Unity. It contains both generic pools and a Unity-specific prefab pool, along with utilities for managing those prefab pools.

Table of Contents

  1. Usage
  2. PrefabPool
  3. Reference


Installing BeauPools

Download BeauPools.unitypackage from the repo. Unpack it into your project.

BeauData uses the BeauPools namespace. You'll need to add the statement using BeauPools; to the top of any scripts using it.

Pool Types

There are four types of pools in BeauPools: Fixed, Dynamic, Prefab, and Serializable.

Pool Type Capacity Requires Constructor Notes
Fixed Fixed capacity. If allocating from empty pool, an exception is thrown.
Dynamic Dynamic capacity. If allocating from empty pool, a new element will be constructed.
Prefab Dynamic pool (see above). X Unity-specific behavior documented below.
Serializable Dynamic pool (see above). X Similar functionality to Prefab pool, inspector serializable.

Creating/Destroying a Pool

public class SomeObject { ... }

// -- Creating a FixedPool --

// Max size for the FixedPool
int fixedPoolCapacity = 32;

// Constructor, required for generating pool elements
// This should return identical elements every call
// Pool.DefaultConstructor returns a default constructor for types with empty constructors
Constructor<SomeObject> someObjectConstructor = Pool.DefaultConstructor<SomeObject>();

// Strict typing
// True by default. Set this to false if you don't know
// exactly the type of object being generated by the constructor
bool fixedPoolStrictTyping = true;

// Finally, generating the pool
FixedPool<SomeObject> fixedPool = new FixedPool<SomeObject>( fixedPoolCapacity, someObjectConstructor, fixedPoolStrictTyping );

// -- Creating a DynamicPool --

// You can use more specific constructors if desired
Constructor<SomeObject> customObjectConstructor = (IPool<SomeObject> pool) => { return new SomeObject(); };

DynamicPool<SomeObject> dynamicPool = new DynamicPool<SomeObject>( 16, customObjectConstructor );

// -- Destroying a Pool ---

// To destroy a pool, call Dispose()

Populating a Pool

By default, pools do not start with any elements. You must prewarm the pool with its initial set of elements.

// This will ensure the pool contains 16 elements
somePool.Prewarm( 16 );

// This will fill the pool up to its current capacity.

You can shrink the number of elements in the pool down as well.

// This will ensure the pool contains no more than 16 elements.
somePool.Shrink( 16 );

You can also clear a pool of all its elements with Clear().

Using a Pool

To allocate an element from the pool, call Alloc(). To return it to the pool, call Free( [element] ).

// Allocate the element from the pool
var element = somePool.Alloc();

// Do something with the pooled element

// Return the element to the pool

You can also allocate and free in batches.

List<SomeObject> objectInUse = new List<SomeObject>();

// This will allocate 16 elements and add them to the list
somePool.Alloc(objectsInUse, 16);

// Do something with those elements

// Free them all at once

Callbacks and Events

If your pooled object inherits from the IPooledObject<T> interface, it will receive certain calls from the pool during the object's lifecycle. These events are OnConstruct, OnAlloc, OnFree, and finally OnDestruct. The IPoolConstructHandler and IPoolAllocHandler interfaces also exist to provide non-generic interfaces for receiving these events, regardless of the exact pool type.

public class PooledObjectWithCallbacks : IPooledObject<PooledObjectWithCallbacks>
	// Called when this object is constructed for the given pool 
	public void OnConstruct(IPool<T> inPool)
    // Called when the element is allocated from the pool
    public void OnAlloc()
    // Called when the element is returned to the pool
    public void OnFree()
    // Called when the element is destroyed from within the pool
    public void OnDestruct()

public class SomeConstructHandler : IPoolConstructHandler
    public void OnConstruct()

    public void OnDestruct()

public class SomeAllocHandler : IPoolAllocHandler
    public void OnAlloc()

    public void OnFree()

Some suggested uses for these callbacks:

  • Use the OnAlloc or OnFree callbacks to help reset state.
  • Use OnConstruct and OnDestruct to help manage resources in situations where the standard Unity Awake and OnDestroy events may not fire (i.e. the object might never be activated)
  • Use OnConstruct(IPool<T>) to remember the pool that owns this object. This would allow you to write a method to return the object to its owning pool.

Every pool also contains an PoolConfig object. This allows you to register additional callbacks on a per-pool rather than per-element basis. See PoolConfig Members below for documentation.


PrefabPool Requirements

PrefabPools are pools intended for instantiating and pooling Unity prefab objects. To this end, they have the following properties.

  • New instances are assigned as children of a specific Transform. You should ensure this Transform is disabled to avoid unwanted behaviour from your pooled instances.
  • By default, allocated instances are assigned as children of a specific Transform, or the root of the scene if no Transform is provided.
  • By default, allocated instances reset their position and orientation on allocation. This can be disabled.
  • PrefabPool provides overridden versions of the Alloc method to mirror some of Unity's Instantiate methods. See PrefabPool Members below for documentation.
  • Any components on the prefab or its children that implement the IPoolConstructHandler or IPoolAllocHandler will receive pool events (OnConstruct, OnAlloc, OnFree, OnDestruct)
  • Instances are given a component tracking the PrefabPool that created it. You can use the Pool.TryFree(GameObject) or Pool.TryFree(Component) utilities to access this and free the prefab back to its pool, without needing to maintain your own reference to the pool itself.


BeauPools provides the SerializablePool object for easy setup of a PrefabPool in the inspector. It can be treated as a PrefabPool, and also provides a set of methods for managing all currently allocated/active objects from the pool.

A SerializablePool operates by constructing an internal PrefabPool and performing operations on that pool. The internal pool will be constructed when Initialize is called. It will also be lazily instantiated if any Alloc or Prewarm methods are called. It will not be lazily instantiated if a Free method is called, and will error if the internal pool is not present.

Note: due to Unity's serialization rules in versions prior to 2020.1, you must create a subclass of SerializablePool for each type of component you want to pool.

// This is necessary, since Unity won't serialize generic classes
public SomePooledBehaviourPool : SerializablePool<SomePooledBehaviour> { }

public class TestSerializedPool : MonoBehaviour
	private SomePooledBehaviorPool myPool;
    private void Start()
  		// Initialize can be called before the pool is used, but is not required
    private void OnDestroy()
    	// Make sure to destroy your pool before it goes out of scope
    public SomePooledBehaviour Spawn()
    	// A SerializablePool can be treated like any other pool
    	return myPool.Alloc();


Pool Members

Member Type Description
Capacity Property Current capacity of the pool. In fixed pools, this is a hard limit. In dynamic pools, this is a softer limit.
Count Property Current number of elements in the pool.
InUse Property Current number of elements allocated from the pool.
Config Property Event configuration. Use this to hook up callbacks to specific pool events.
Prewarm(int count) Method Ensures the pool contains at least [count] number of elements.
Prewarm() Method Ensures the pool contains up to its current capacity in elements.
Shrink(int count) Method Ensures the pool contains no more than [count] elements.
Clear() Method Clears all elements from the pool.
Dispose() Method Clears all elements and cleans up memory used by the pool.
Alloc() Method Allocates an element from the pool.
Alloc(T[] array) Method Allocates elements from the pool to empty slots in the given array.
Alloc(ICollection<T> collection, int count) Method Allocates [count] elements and adds them to the given collection.
TempAlloc() Method Allocates an element from the pool and returns a disposable TempAlloc<T> struct that will free the element on dispose.
TryAlloc(out T element) Method Attempts to allocate an element from the pool.
TryAlloc(T[] array) Method Attempts to allocate elements from the pool to empty slots in the given array.
TryAlloc(ICollection<T> collection, int count) Method Attempts to allocate [count] elements and add them to the given collection.
Free(T element) Method Returns an element to the pool.
Free(T[] array) Method Returns elements from the given array to the pool.
Free(ICollection<T> collection) Method Returns elements from the given collection to the pool.
UseIDisposable() Method Hooks up the IDisposable.Dispose() call to object destruction. (Only when T inherits from IDisposable )

PoolConfig Members

Member Type Description
RegisterOnConstruct(LifecycleEvent<T> callback) Method Registers a callback to be called when an element is constructed.
RegisterOnDestruct(LifecycleEvent<T> callback) Method Registers a callback to be called when an element is destroyed.
RegisterOnAlloc(LifecycleEvent<T> callback) Method Registers a callback to be called when an element is allocated.
RegisterOnFree(LifecycleEvent<T> callback) Method Registers a callback to be called when an element is freed.

PrefabPool Members

Member Type Description
Name Property Name of the pool. Used when naming prefab instances.
PoolTransform Property Parent Transform for all inactive elements in the pool.
DefaultSpawnTransform Property The default parent Transform to which allocated elements are attached.
Alloc(Transform parent) Method Allocates a new element as a child of the given transform.
Alloc(Vector3 position, bool worldSpace) Method Allocates a new element with the given position.
Alloc(Vector3 position, Quaternion orientation, bool worldSpace) Method Allocates a new element with the given position and orientation.
Alloc(Vector3 position, Quaternion orientation, Transform parent, bool worldSpace) Method Allocates a new element as a child of the given transform with the given position and orientation

SerializablePool Members

Member Type Description
ConfigureCapacity(int capacity, int prewarm, bool prewarmOnInit) Method Configures capacity and prewarm settings.
ConfigureTransforms(Transform poolRoot, Transform spawnRoot, bool resetTransformOnAlloc) Method Configures transform and reset settings.
Initialize() Method Initializes the pool.
IsInitialized() Method Returns if the pool has been initialized.
ActiveObjects Property Returns the set of currently allocated objects.
GetActiveObjects(ICollection<T>) Method Adds the set of currently allocated objects to the given collection.
GetActiveObjects(T[]) Method Adds the set of currently allocated objects to the given array.
GetActiveObjects(T[], int) Method Adds the set of currently allocated objects to the given array at an offset.
GetActiveObjects(List<T>) Method Adds the set of currently allocated objects to the given array.
Reset() Method Returns all currently allocated objects to the pool.
Destroy() Method Calls Reset() and destroys the pool.

Misc Utilities

Utility Description
PooledList Pooled list. Useful when you need a temporary ordered collection.
PooledSet Pooled hashset. Useful when you need a temporary unordered collection.
PooledStringBuilder Pooled StringBuilder. Useful when you need to temporarily concatenate strings.
TransformPool Transform specialization of SerializablePool
SpriteRendererPool SpriteRenderer specialization of SerializablePool
RectTransformPool RectTransform specialization of SerializablePool
ImagePool Image specialization of SerializablePool
TempAlloc<T> Disposable struct wrapper for a temporary allocation. Will free the allocated element on dispose.
Pool.TryFree(Component) Attempts to free the given prefab to its source PrefabPool or SerializablePool
Pool.TryFree(GameObject) Attempts to free the given prefab to its source PrefabPool or SerializablePool