Primary LanguageJavaScript


This project is now (11/10/23) discontinued.

MWT GameNights Bot

This is a Discord bot for the MWT GameNights server.

Table of Contents

Project Requirements

  • Includes an economy system with a virtual currency

  • Users can give each other money

  • Users can spend their currency in Nationality and Culture channels to access random, relevant pictures

  • Users can align themselves with different groups

  • Groups have a joint treasury managed by elected leaders

    • Joint Treasury
    • Managed by leaders
  • Roles based on alignment can be set with a cooldown period for changing alignment

  • Users can engage in sabotage by stealing money from individuals

  • Success rate influenced by faction upgrades and cooldown limitations on stealing

  • Sabotage will raise the price of images

  • Money can only be securely stored in the faction treasury but can still be robbed to some extent

  • Each faction has a net worth based on accumulated money

Running the Bot



# Clone the repository and enter the directory
git clone https://github.com/BeauTheBeau/MWTGM.git

# Install dependencies
npm install

# Create a .env file with required environment variables
echo -e "TOKEN=<your bot token>\nMONGO_URI=<your mongo uri>"\nCLIENT_ID=<your client id>" > .env

# Start the bot
npm start

Doesn't Work?


  • Open an issue and I (or someone else), will try to help you out
  • If on a non Unix-like system, this may not work
  • We have not tested this method of installation
  • I plan to make this process easier in the future, by using Docker


MWT GameNights Bot uses Discord's new Slash Commands feature. This means that all commands are available in the Discord UI. To use a command, type / in the chat and select the command you want to use. This also provides an easily navigable list of all commands. slash_command.webp TODO: Complete list of commands (lol)