Play a tic tac toe game with others without requiring any network connection
- First, identify yourself by a nickname to play with an ID
- Second, wait that your friend send to you his ID
- Start the turn by turn game (this first player is random)
- The first player to get 3 points in a row, a column or a diagonal is the winner.
- Flutter
- Chirp SDK
When I heard about the sound way to exchange data between nearby devices, I was really interested to make a PoC about it. Then, I wanted to innovate the way to play in aircraft mode, anywhere. So, finally, I thought about making this basic game.
- Android, iOS, Fuchsia
- gameplay
- multiplayer
- security I (each player has an ID and can only play with one other player ID)
- Let players choose frequency of sound (ultrasonic, 16kHz, Standard)
- Nice design
- Desktop app
- security II (acknowledgement of receipt ?)
Of course ! By trying to do the tasks of the todo section, by giving advices or by hitting the ⭐ button !