Coat or No Coat saves users time and energy on busy mornings with a customizable daily alert that recommends outerwear based on the weather. CONC is a Mod 3 & 4 project for back end software development students at Turing School of Software & Design to apply their knowledge of building Rails APIs to a full-stack project. Students build a separate JavaScript front end to consume their own API.
This is the CONC back end, which stores users and their coats, generates user sessions, and queries external APIs for forecast and geocoding data.
Visit Coat or No Coat's front end! under development Coming Soon: Coat Selector model to match User Coats with each day's Forecast
Check out the register screen and click the button to the homepage to see the current static style. You can also see the front end code here.
This API backend is deployed here: (Without an endpoint url below, no display)
You can request data from the following endpoints by adding them to the end of the web address above, and entering the full URL in your browser.
/api/v1/forecasts/search?zip_code=ENTER A ZIP CODE HERE
Below are the other endpoints you can try out with an HTTP testing client such as Postman.
POST /api/v1/users
- Add a new user to the database
- Requires parameters per the following example:
- Returns a unique API key generated for that CONC user
POST /api/v1/coats
- Add a new coat to the database
- Requires a parameter
belonging to an existing user in the database. Associates coat to that user. - Requires coat parameters
, andlow_temp
(Visit front end homepage above to see coat examples)
GET /api/v1/coats
Requires a parameter api_key
belonging to an existing user in the database.
- Returns all coats for one user
POST /api/v1/sessions
- Takes parameters of the user's email / password
- Returns the user's API key
- Rails
- Netflix's Fast JSON API serializers
- Faraday gem (API requests)
- Rspec / TDD
- FactoryBot
- Capybara
- Shoulda-Matchers
- Simplecov
- Google (geocoding)
- DarkSky (weather)