Rails Engine is a Ruby on Rails API for e-commerce data. For merchants in the database, you can query the API (powered by ActiveRecord!) and receive data on:
- All merchants (id, name)
- Any one particular merchant
- Any particular group of merchants
- At random, one merchant
- All items belonging to a particular merchant's store
- The top merchants by total revenue earned, customize the number you want to be returned
After cloning down this repo, bundle
the Gemfile and rails db:{create,migrate}
To run the test suit, from the terminal enter rspec
To seed the database, run rake import:all
To make API requests, after setup, boot up a local server with rails s
, then in your browser, after localhost:3000
, try one of the following:
All merchants' data:
One random merchant:
Search for one particular merchant by name, id, time created at, or time last updated at:
/api/v1/merchants/find?name=enter merchant name here
/api/v1/merchants/find?id=enter merchant's id here
/api/v1/merchants/find?created_at=enter merchant's time created at here in the format 2018-09-09 00:00:00
Use the above options to find multiple merchants by changing find?
to find_all?
All items belonging to particular merchant's store:
/api/v1/merchants/enter a merchant id here/items
The Top merchants by revenue earned:
/api/v1/merchants/most_revenue?quantity=enter a number here of how many merchants to be returned
This query will return the highest revenue merchant first, and so on (descending order).