
an e-commerce API, includes business analytics

Primary LanguageHTML

Rails Engine API

Rails Engine is a Ruby on Rails API for e-commerce data. For merchants in the database, you can query the API (powered by ActiveRecord!) and receive data on:

  • All merchants (id, name)
  • Any one particular merchant
  • Any particular group of merchants
  • At random, one merchant
  • All items belonging to a particular merchant's store
  • The top merchants by total revenue earned, customize the number you want to be returned


Ruby version 2.4.2Rails version 5.2.1

After cloning down this repo, bundle the Gemfile and rails db:{create,migrate}

To run the test suit, from the terminal enter rspec

To seed the database, run rake import:all


To make API requests, after setup, boot up a local server with rails s, then in your browser, after localhost:3000, try one of the following:

All merchants' data:


One random merchant:


Search for one particular merchant by name, id, time created at, or time last updated at:

/api/v1/merchants/find?name=enter merchant name here

/api/v1/merchants/find?id=enter merchant's id here

/api/v1/merchants/find?created_at=enter merchant's time created at here in the format 2018-09-09 00:00:00

Use the above options to find multiple merchants by changing find? to find_all?

All items belonging to particular merchant's store:

/api/v1/merchants/enter a merchant id here/items

The Top merchants by revenue earned:

/api/v1/merchants/most_revenue?quantity=enter a number here of how many merchants to be returned

This query will return the highest revenue merchant first, and so on (descending order).