
Celery performance comparison between brokers

Primary LanguagePython


  • Hardware:
    • Processor: i7-9750H
    • RAM: 32GB
  • SO: Windows 10 Professional x64
  • Python 3.8.10
  • Celery 5.1.2 (12 workers)
  • Redis v6.2.4 backend
  • Redis v6.2.4 broker
  • RabbitMQ v3.8.14 broker
  • Docker with WSL2 as a backend

Both Redis and Rabbit have the default configuration(with the exception of the second redis acting as a backend that have a different default port).

Instructions to run on your systems

I made everything to keep things nice and easy:

git clone https://github.com/Bechma/celery-rabbitmq-vs-redis ./crvs
cd ./crvs
python -m venv venv
& ./venv/Scripts/Activate.ps1
docker-compose up -d
pip install -r requirements.txt


All times are measured in seconds. Take the results as a reference, as the benchmark is self made. If I made something wrong I'm more than happy to fix it.


total messages iter1 iter2 iter3 iter4 iter5 avg std
100 0.5070 0.5402 0.5352 0.5246 0.6352 0.5484 0.0501
500 1.7293 1.7511 1.5756 1.6054 1.7344 1.6792 0.082
1000 3.2468 3.2050 2.9194 3.0427 3.4820 3.1792 0.2139
5000 16.3459 15.9685 14.2287 14.1687 15.8892 15.3202 1.0384
10000 38.3914 37.5223 33.4419 35.3912 36.2909 36.2075 1.9248
50000 175.6866 173.6639 171.4163 182.7176 179.9086 176.6786 4.6007


total messages iter1 iter2 iter3 iter4 iter5 avg std
100 0.4693 0.5115 0.5297 0.4956 0.4441 0.49 0.0339
500 1.5276 1.4719 1.3981 1.4574 1.4950 1.47 0.0482
1000 2.8623 2.7301 2.8031 2.7363 2.6339 2.7531 0.0858
5000 13.2805 13.7742 13.2819 13.5831 13.1306 13.4101 0.2617
10000 26.6272 26.2769 26.9550 26.4570 25.5128 26.3658 0.5384
50000 125.9251 124.7698 124.5677 124.9540 124.0607 124.8555 0.6848

Side to side comparison

Average Times, lower is better
total messages RabbitMQ Redis
100 0.49 0.5484
500 1.47 1.6792
1000 2.7531 3.1792
5000 13.4101 15.3202
10000 26.3658 36.2075
50000 124.8555 176.6786
Standard Deviation, lower is better
total messages RabbitMQ Redis
100 0.0339 0.0501
500 0.0482 0.082
1000 0.0858 0.2139
5000 0.2617 1.0384
10000 0.5384 1.9248
50000 0.6848 4.6007

Long messages

Following the official documentation, redis looks to perform bad with long messages.

We are going to try it with the same task example but increasing the message size +1MB


total messages iter1 iter2 iter3 avg std
100 70.6913 72.3711 75.6312 72.8979 2.0508
200 141.6594 145.2148 149.5441 145.4728 3.2241


total messages iter1 iter2 iter3 avg std
100 58.1334 59.5851 60.5988 59.4391 1.0118
200 114.6794 117.0006 122.3457 118.0086 3.2099
Average Times, lower is better
total messages RabbitMQ Redis
100 59.4391 72.8979
200 118.0086 145.4728
Standard Deviation, lower is better
total messages RabbitMQ Redis
100 1.0118 2.0508
200 3.2099 3.2241


It looks like Redis although it's a great backend, as a broker, it's better RabbitMQ. I could have made another comparison with priority queues, but as redis does not have that feature, and celery do a python-side implementation with redis, there is no doubt that Rabbit would win that race too. Besides, Rabbit offers more configuration parameters for queue jobs and persistency.