API repo!


Juniors Spring Intensive Deliverable Proposal

Dates 3/16-3/25

Beck Haywood:

League Data Scraper:

Never built a web scraper plan on eventually connecting the json data into my champion API.

Solo project.


I hope to learn how to webscrape using python and BeautifulSoup, would like to eventually use this data for my existing API.

Challenges I Anticipate

Learning the basics of searching for tags and filtering out which ones I need and which ones I dont need. Dealing with the data after I retreived it changing it into json then serving it into a database.


Parse A league WIKI page, grab the name, title, and icon and print them to terminal.


Parse a League WIKI page for all stats then save it to a JSON file.


Parse all League champion WIKI pages for all stats and save it to a JSON file, then serve it into my API

Personal Achievement Goals:

  1. Goal 1: Learn the basics of webscraping and could replicate my project in a shorter amount of time.
  2. Goal 2: Understand how to condense huge amounts of json and how to add it all to a data base.
  3. Goal 3: Fill my champion API with correct data from several websites.


You must meet the following criteria in order to pass the intensive:

  • Students must get proposal approved before starting the project to pass
  • SOLO
    • must score an average above a 2.5 on the rubric

Sign off

Beck Haywood:

Beck Haywood / Monday, March 16, 2020 Make School Mitchell Hudson