
Filters inaccessible after array creation- unclear if they are being applied

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I want to be able to open a zarr group passed in by a user, find the first available array, and get the filtering and compression used when creating the array. Something like this:

import zarr
import numcodecs

g = zarr.open_group("test.zarr", mode='a')
filters = [numcodecs.Quantize(digits=3, dtype='f4')]
g["a"] = zarr.create_array((100), filters=filters)

But when I create an array like this, I can only access the compressor, not the filters (no output):

In [65]: g["a"].compressor
Out[65]: Blosc(cname='lz4', clevel=5, shuffle=SHUFFLE, blocksize=0)

In [66]: g["b"].filters

For reference, I'm using Zarr 2.13.3 and numcodecs 0.12.1 with Ubuntu 22.04

How can I get access to the filters passed in upon array creation?

Filters can be applied like this:

filters = [numcodecs.Quantize(digits=3, dtype='f4')]
            "step", shape=(self._first_dim,), dtype=np.int32, filters=filters