The assignments of academic courses (IS in SJTU).
This project is a collection of my implementations of the assignments in IS Major. It is established for its educational and referential meaning. Please notice that some of them may be ugly and not robust and always remember that they are conducted by a rookie of CS in his early ages. It really needs overwhelming courage to share and review them. If you find any problem,
- Open a issue or submit Pull Requests directly.
- Feel free to contact me! @wangjksjtu(
Notice: These works are just for reference and learning. No Copycat, No Cheating!
SE407 - 软件工程
IS224 - 计算机组成与系统结构
IS203 - 编译原理
IS208 - 数字系统设计
IS301 计算机通信网络
IS206 - 操作系统
IS303 - 数据挖掘