

  • Course: HHA 504
  • Homework assignment #5: Gain hands-on experience in video hosting, creating a Flask app styled with Tailwind CSS, and deploying it to a cloud platform. Leverage CDN services in Google Cloud or Azure.

Video Procurement

  • Downloaded a dog video from YouTube.

Video Hosting using Cloud CDN

  • Login to your Microsoft Azure account.
  • Type in storage accounts in the search bar.
  • Click create.
  • Create or select a name for your resource group and storage account name.
  • Click create.
  • Go back to the home page and click on the your storage account.
  • Under the nagivation bar, go to overview. Scroll down and click security. Then, click the enable option for allow blob anonymous access. Lastly, click save.
  • Under the nagivation bar and go to containers. Then, click + containers, Next, create a name and change the anonymous access level to container(anonymous read access for containers and blob. Lastly, click + create.
  • Under the nagivation bar, go to security + networking. Then, click front door and CDN. Under service type, click the Azure CDN option. Next, create a profile name and endpoint name. Lastly, change the query string caching behavior to ignore query string and click create.
  • Go back to the home page and click on your new storage account. Then, click upload. Upload a video that is less than 60 seconds and select an existing container. Lastly, click upload.
  • Go back to the home page and click on your new storage account. Under the navigation bar, click containers. Then, click on your new container. Lastly, copy the URL link.
  • Go back to the home page and go to Front Door and CDN profle. Then, click on the hostname. Next, click on the endpoint hostname. Lastly, combine the hostname with the URL link (use everything after .net) from the container. Keep this new link for your flask app.

Flask App With Tailwind CSS

  • For more information on how to create a flask application, click here.

Deployment on Azure

  • In your Cloud Shell terminal, type curl -sL https://aka.ms/InstallAzureCLIDeb | sudo bash. This will install the Azure CLI.
  • Type az to check if Azure CLI is installed.
  • Type az login --use-device-code. A link with a code will appear. Click on the link and enter the code. Then, login to your Microsoft Azure account. This will give Cloud Shell permission to access your Azure account.
  • Type az account list --output table. Make sure that you are using the correct subscription. If not, type az account set --subscription <SubscriptionId> to change it.
  • Type az group list to double check everything.
  • Type az webapp up --name <app name> --runtime PYTHON:3.9 --sku B1. This will create a webapp for your Flask app.