
1. Flask Application

My Flask application serves as a platform for presenting information about doctors affiliated with a hospital. The application displays personal information such as their first name, last name, date of birth, address, phone number, and specialization. The data is generated using the Faker package and is stored in tables created within the MySQL Workbench. In addition, my Flask backend includes an API service with a single endpoint capable of retrieving various doctor tables.

Flask application link: https://beckieflaskapp.azurewebsites.net

2. Technologies Used

  • API Service: Backend
  • Docker: Containerization
  • .Env: Environment variables
  • Flask: Frontend and backend
  • Github: Version control
  • Google OAuth: Authorization
  • Microsoft Azure: Deployment
  • MySQL Workbench: Database via Azure
  • Sentry.io: Debugging and logging
  • Tailwind: Frontend styling

3. Template of .Env File



4. Docker (Steps)

  • Create a Docker file within your app folder and name it Dockerfile. Copy this code.
  • Create a text file and name it requirements.txt. Copy this code.
  • In your Cloud Shell terminal, type docker build -t <name of image> .. This will build an image.
  • Type docker images. This will show a list of your images.
  • Type docker run -d -p <port1>:<port2> <name of image>. This will run your image in a container.
  • To preview your image, make sure to change your port to port 1 in Cloud Shell.
  • Type docker ps. This will show a list of your containers.
  • Type docker stop <container ID>. This will stop your container.
  • Type docker rm <container ID>. This will remove your container.
  • Type docker system prune -a -f. This will clean and remove everything.

5. Deployment on Azure App Service (Steps)

  • In your Cloud Shell terminal, type curl -sL https://aka.ms/InstallAzureCLIDeb | sudo bash. This will install the Azure CLI.
  • Type az to check if Azure CLI is installed.
  • Type az login --use-device-code. A link with a code will appear. Click on the link and enter the code. Then, login to your Microsoft Azure account. This will give Cloud Shell permission to access your Azure account.
  • Type az account list --output table. Make sure that you are using the correct subscription. If not, type az account set --subscription <SubscriptionId> to change it.
  • Type az group list to double check everything.
  • Type az webapp up --name <app name> --runtime PYTHON:3.9 --sku B1 --resource-group <name of resource group. This will create a webapp for your Flask app.

6. Errors

I encountered difficulties deploying the Flask application. When accessing the Flask application's URL, only the home page and contact page are visible by directly typing in their routes. Unfortunately, the doctors page is only accessible locally and is not visible on the deployed site. To view the screenshots of my Flask application, click here.

Once you've logged in through Google, it will bring you to this page:

Screenshot 2023-12-18 224934

On this page, enter the following routes: