
GUI application with CLI interface for interacting with Minecraft Bedrock Edition worlds

MIT LicenseMIT

DimensionDrifter (name TBD)

GUI application with CLI interface for interacting with Minecraft Bedrock Edition worlds


Features marked with ⭐ should be present in the first stable version.

  • ⭐ Editing level.dat file
  • ⭐ Listing entries in LevelDB
  • ⭐ Showing entries
  • ⭐ Editing entries
  • ⭐ NBT editor
  • Hex editor
  • Terrain viewer
  • LevelDB shrink option
  • LevelDB compression level option
  • Option to unpack and pack the LevelDB in order for other apps to be able to interact with it
  • CLI interface for unpacking and packing LevelDB
  • Key generator for common keys (terrain, digp, actorprefix)