✔️ Sell all the items in the chest when the player using SellStick clicks on it ✔️
- Sell stick
- When type command '/sellstick', you will be given a sell stick
- Easy to custom in config.yml
Commands | Description |
/sellstick | Sell Stick |
Permission | Default |
sellstick.command.use | op |
sellstickname: "§l§aSell §bStick"
sellsticklore: "§r§l§7Usage: Tap the chest to automatically sell all the items in the chest!"
# Format:
# - "<id(int)>,<meta(int)>:<cost(int|float)>"
- "1,0:1" #Stone
- "4,0:1" #Cobblestone
- Step 1: Click the "Direct Download" button to download the plugin
- Step 2: Move the file "SellStick.phar" into the file "plugins"
- Step 3: Restart server for plugins to work