
Experimental python module for making command line parsers from function argument annotations

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Experimental python module for making command line parsers from function argument annotations


my idea for this library is to be able to do something like this:

def some_command(a, b, c, ...):

if __name__ == '__main__':
    some_command.run('some', 'arguments', '--go', '--here')
    args = some_command.parser.parse_args()
    some_command(1, 2, 3)  # you can still run it as a function

As for type annotations -> parser mapping:

def some_command(
    positional: str,
    opt_posarg: Optional[str],                  # nargs='?', positional
    default_posarg: float = 3.1415,             # same as above, but default value is set instead of being None
    *multiarg: int,                             # nargs='*', positional
    *one_or_more: OneOrMore[float],             # nargs='+', positional
    verbose: Count,                             # action=count

    _Group_Title_ = "The group's description",  # create group containing all following arguments
    enum_arg: SomeEnum,                         # choices=list(SomeEnum)
    mutex_arg: Literal['one', 'two', 'three'],  # create mutually exclusive group with store_const action
    list_arg: List[str],                        # nargs='+'
    multiple_arg: Tuple[str, int, str],         # nargs=3 (converting to str, int, str)
    append_arg: Append[int],                    # append (can contain a Literal to get append_const)
    set_arg: Set[int],                          # like append, but result is converted to a set
    in_file: InFile,                            # type=argparse.FileType('r')
    out_file: OutFile,                          # type=argparse.FileType('w')

    _Another_Group_ = None,                     # Create group with no description
    enable_flag = False,                        # action=store_true
    disable_flag = True,                        # action=store_false, name prefixed with 'no-'
    inferred_string = 'abc',                    # type is inferred from default
    inferred_int = 123,
    remainder: Remainder                        # nargs=argparse.REMAINDER
    """description of what the command does

    help for each argument can be parsed from the docstring somehow

less important edge cases:

  • nargs='?' on options