Multi-threaded python proxy checker. Capable of checking HTTP/HTTPS SOCKS4/SOCKS5
Key Features:
Proxy Verification: Checks the validity of proxy servers using HTTP and SOCKS4/5 protocols.
Multithreading: Utilizes multithreading with configurable worker count for faster processing.
User-Friendly UI: Presents a clean and informative terminal interface for user interaction.
Theme Customization: Supports various themes for enhancing the visual experience.
Configuration Handling: Utilizes a JSON configuration handler to manage user preferences.
Results Logging: Saves results to separate files for working and failed proxies.
Capable of removing duplicates: If the user wants to the script will remove duplicate lines from any file.
Auto-Updater: Will check for updates on file startup and auto update them if prompt to-do so.
Proxy Scrapper: Gets proxies from many diferrent sources.
1. Put proxies into proxy_list.txt
2. Select Protocol
3. Select number of workers
4. Wait fot it to finish
5. Output in file named after the proxy protocol
Worker quantity: On a 6 core Intel Core i7-8750H 2.20GHz i was able to use 3000. However 5000 was to much for it. I recommend you to try different numbers and see whats the best option.
Keyboard interrupt: In the check all function keyboard interrupt does not work
v1.6 19/08/23
+ Fixed some minor bugs+ Added warning when proxy list file not found+ Improved scrapper apearence and performance+ Updated requirements
v1.5 18/08/23
+ Fixed autoupdater bug+ Fixed progress bar width by reading console total width+ Improved number representations+ Fixed not detecting proxy file changes after startup+ Made remove duplicates run automatically after proxy scrape/check+ Changed the way script handles keyboard interrupts+ Made the script print menu covers according to console width
v1.4 17/08/23
+ Improved check all performance+ Fixed internet error after socks proxy check+ Added option to remove duplicate lines from default ouput files and default proxy list+ Added progress bar to remove duplicates function+ Added current theme display+ Added change workers default, to settings+ Added new theme
v1.3 17/08/23
+ Optimized some functions+ Organized imports+ Added timestamps+ Changed show progress functionality+ Added proxy scrapper+ Modified remove duplicate function+ Moved scrapper, themes and updater to a folder
v1.2 16/08/23
+ Added auto-updater+ Fixed Script not starting automatically after update+ Fixed Version discrepancy on menus
v1.1 16/08/23
+ Tweaked some UI elements+ Added Notification control menus+ Fixed minor bugs+ Added check all protocols+ Added remove duplicates option+ Added change console title
v1.0 15/08/23
+ Made themes+ Multi-threaded implementation+ Made Ascii-art menus+ Added Json config handler+ Corrected some spelling mistakes + Added Sound notifications+ Fixed bugs with socks checkers! Working on proxy scrapper