
Get information about pokemons

Primary LanguagePython

Pokemon Sample Application

A sample application created to use in the Creating a Continuous Integration/Deployment System workshop for the Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing 2016. This application returns a random starter Pokemon as a web page and as an API call.

Workshop Setup Steps


Windows/Mac Setup

  • Open Kitematic, which is included in Docker Toolbox
  • Open the Docker CLI in Kitematic
  • Clone this repository or download the docker-compose.yml file from GitHub
  • Navigate in the Docker CLI to where the docker-compose.yml is located and run docker-compose up
  • The Jenkins, test environment, and production environment will be accessable through Kitematic

Linux Setup

  • Clone this repository or download the docker-compose.yml file from GitHub
  • Navigate to where the docker-compose.yml is located and run docker-compose up
  • The jenkins and demo environments will be located at:

Aditional GitHub Integration Setup

Pull Request Status Updates

  1. GitHub, go to Settings -> Personal access tokens
  2. Click Generate new token
  3. Give the token a description and click the checkbox for repo:status
  4. Click Generate token and copy the created token
  5. In Jenkins, go to Manage Jenkins -> Configure System
  6. Scroll down to GitHub Pull Request Builder
  7. Click the Add button by Credentials
  8. Select Secret text as Kind
  9. Paste your access token into Secret and give it a name in the ID
  10. Click Add and then select your created credential

Pull Request Webhook with Local Jenkins

  1. Run ngrok to connect your local Jenkins to the internet using ./ngrok http <jenkins-ip>:8080
  2. Navigate to your forked repository on GitHub and go to Settings -> Webhooks
  3. Copy your ngrok URL into the Payload URL and add /ghprbhook/ to the end. There MUST be a / at the end of the URL, otherwise you will get a 403 error.
  4. Select Let me select individual events and check Pull request, Pull request review comment, and Issue comment.
  5. For pull request jobs, under Build Triggers, check Use github hooks for build triggering.

Push Webhook with Local Jenkins

  1. Create a second webhook with /github-webhook/ at the end. Again, there MUST be a / at the end.
  2. Select Just the push event
  3. For the Trigger Pipeline job, check Build when a change is pushed to GitHub.

Running Application Locally

If you would like to run the web application outside of the Docker enviornmnets, you can use the following steps.

To Run

pip install -r requirements.txt
python pokestarter/app.py


Open a browser and navigate to http://localhost:5000.



curl http://localhost:5000/api


  "pokemon": "Squirtle"

To Test

pip install -r test-requirements.txt
nosetests -sv tests/unit
nosetests -sv tests/functional