
A Simple Extensible Environment Library for simulation

Primary LanguagePython

Laboratory Environment

A Simple Extensible Environmenet Library for Simulation. (Student Project)



An environment abstracts all of the classes and provides interfaces for easier interaction

Note: This is not an abstract class, but you can override functions if you want to. Note: You can use this library to simulate even non-metal entities. For now I just used metal to create the proof of concept.

Example Code

from lib.Behavior import *
from lib.LaboratoryEnvironment import *
from lib.Metals import *
from lib.Reaction import *

class WaterPHChanging(Behavior):
    def trigger(self):
        # Add +-0.75 to the 'ph' value of the metal every epoch
        import random
        value = random.uniform(-0.75, 0.75)
        self.env.metal.parameters['ph'].run('add', value)

class WaterReactionToPH(Reaction):
    def react(self, _metal):
        # Get the ph value of the metal
        ph_value = _metal.parameters['ph'].value

        # Check for Conditions
        if  ph_value <= -1:
            print("[!] Water is moving toward being acidic")
        if ph_value >= 1:
            print("[!] Water is moving toward being a base")
        if ph_value > -1 and ph_value < 1:
            print("[!] Water is Nuetral")

# Create the metal with the 'ph' parameter
_metal = Metal({
    "ph": EntityParameter(0, WaterReactionToPH())

# Create the behavior container
_behaviors = Behaviors()

# Add the behavior we've created

# Create the environment with not environmental parameters
_env = LaboratoryEnvironment( {}, _metal, _behaviors, _verbose=1)


A Behavior specifies how an environment should change a parameter.

  • Behaviors
    • Container of Behaviors
  • Behaior
    • Specifiy the Behavior of the Environment
    • Requires the trigger() method

Example Usage

class MyBehavior(Behavior):
    def trigger(self):
        # ... some code here ...

class MyOtherBehavior(Behavior):
    def trigger(self):
        # ... some code here ...

_behaviors = Behaviors()
_behaviors.add("BehaviorName", MyBehavior())
_behaviors.add("OtherBehaviorName", MyOtherBehavior())


A parameter is an abstracted value that contains methods for environment interaction.

  • EntityParameter
    • Specify a parameter that reacts on certain parameter changes

Example Usage

class MyReaction(Reaction):
    def react(self, _metal):
        #my code here

some_value = 10
_metal = Metal({
    "ParameterName": EntityParameter(some_value, MyReaction())


A Reaction specify how a parameter reacts base on certain conditions.

  • Reaction
    • Requires react() method

Example Usage: Parameters


A Metal is an abstraction of an object that you want to simulate