Vendure Favorites Plugin

This is a plugin for the Vendure e-commerce framework designed for allowing customers to save favorite products.

It's two main functions are allowing a customer to toggle a product as a favorite, and return a list of favorites for a customer entity.

Getting Started

After initializing your vendure project, you can add this plugin via yarn or npm install:

yarn add vendure-favorites-plugin


npm install vendure-favorites-plugin

and then include it in the vendure-config as below:

import { FavoritesPlugin } from "vendure-favorites-plugin";

export const config: VendureConfig = {
  plugins: [

This plugin includes an optional Admin UI Extension.

  app: compileUiExtensions({
    extensions: [

Plugin Options

To configure the plugin, use the init function instead of providing the class in the VendureConfig:

import { FavoritesPlugin } from "vendure-favorites-plugin";

export const config: VendureConfig = {
  plugins: [
      // options

Valid options include:

trackHistory (default: false): This boolean controls when the customer's favorites are recorded as events in their history.

API Extensions

This plugin implements the following extensions to the API.

Favorite Entity

type Favorite implements Node {
  id: ID!
  createdAt: DateTime!
  updatedAt: DateTime!
  product: Product
  customer: Customer!


type FavoriteList implements PaginatedList {
  items: [Favorite!]!
  totalItems: Int!

Customer Query

extend type Customer {
  favorites(options: FavoriteListOptions, productNameFilter: String): FavoriteList!

Shop API

extend type Mutation {
  toggleFavorite(productId: ID!): FavoriteList!

Admin API

extend type Query {
  favorite(id: ID!): Favorite

Admin UI

The Admin UI extension adds a favorites field to the customer detail page, allowing the user to view a list of the customer's favorites.



Development Server

A development server is configured in the dev-server folder, using Docker and Docker Compose to spin up a Postgres database, as well as a server and worker. This is used to test the plugin during development.

To start the server, run:

yarn run:dev

To populate or reset the database, run the following command:

yarn populate

GraphQL Type Generation

Some types are generated automatically using graphql-codegen. To re-generate types after a change, make sure the development server is running, and use the command:

yarn generate-types