
Evidence for GWAS Genes

Primary LanguageR

EG2 Tour

Alexandra Tidd May 31, 2022


EG2 is a package to predict the target genes of fine-mapped variants of a trait from GWAS.

predict_target_genes() is the master, user-facing function of this package. All other functions are helper functions called by predict_target_genes().



In order to install and run this package yourself...

# 1. Install and load the devtools package
# 2. Install and load the EG2 package

Package data

This package uses both reference genomic annotation datasets and user-provided trait-specific datasets. Genomic coordinates use the hg19 build. The package's BED handling follows UCSC BedTools conventions, so it expects 0-based start positions and 1-based end positions.

Reference data

Internal reference data

Smaller generic reference datasets, including chromosome sizes, GENCODE annotations and coding mutation annotations (ChrSizes, TSSs, exons, introns, promoters, missense, nonsense, splicesite) are stored internally as parsed objects in R/sysdata.R. These are internal to the package and not accessible to the user. The scripts to generate the input files are published at https://github.com/alextidd/tgp_paper/tree/main/wrangle_package_data/sysdata/code.

External reference data

Large cell type-specific reference data that accompany the EG2 package have been published to OSF (https://osf.io/254nq/) and must be downloaded separately. In order to use the package, first download and unzip the data into a local directory...

mkdir path/to/EG2_data/
wget -O EG2_data.zip https://osf.io/254nq/download --no-check-certificate
unzip -d path/to/EG2_data/ EG2_data.zip

...and then pass the directory to the reference_panels_dir argument of the predict_target_genes() function.

predict_target_genes(reference_panels_dir = "path/to/EG2_data/", ...)

The scripts to generate these data are published at https://github.com/alextidd/tgp_paper/tree/main/wrangle_package_data/reference_panels/code.

User-provided data

There is one required user-provided file for the predict_target_genes() function: the trait variants (the variants_file argument). Known genes for the trait (the known_genes_file argument) are needed only if do_performance = T. Example files for breast cancer are in example_data/.

system.file("example_data", "variants.bed", package = "EG2")
## [1] "/mnt/backedup/home/alexandT/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/4.0/EG2/example_data/variants.bed"
system.file("example_data", "known_genes.txt", package = "EG2")
## [1] "/mnt/backedup/home/alexandT/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/4.0/EG2/example_data/known_genes.txt"

The scripts to generate these and all other trait files used in the study are published at https://github.com/alextidd/tgp_paper/tree/main/wrangle_package_data/traits/code.

Trait variants

The variants file should be a BED file with metadata columns for the variant name and the credible set to which it belongs.

variants_file <- system.file("example_data", "variants.bed", package = "EG2")
EG2::import_BED(variants_file, metadata_cols = c("variant", "cs"))
## # A tibble: 5,375 × 5
##    chrom    start      end variant     cs         
##    <chr>    <int>    <int> <chr>       <chr>      
##  1 chr1  10551762 10551763 rs657244    BCAC_FM_1.1
##  2 chr1  10563363 10563364 rs202087283 BCAC_FM_1.1
##  3 chr1  10564674 10564675 rs2847344   BCAC_FM_1.1
##  4 chr1  10566521 10566522 rs617728    BCAC_FM_1.1
##  5 chr1  10569000 10569000 rs60354536  BCAC_FM_1.1
##  6 chr1  10569257 10569258 rs2480785   BCAC_FM_1.1
##  7 chr1  10579544 10579545 rs1411402   BCAC_FM_1.1
##  8 chr1  10580890 10580891 rs2483677   BCAC_FM_1.1
##  9 chr1  10581050 10581051 rs2506885   BCAC_FM_1.1
## 10 chr1  10581657 10581658 rs2056417   BCAC_FM_1.1
## # … with 5,365 more rows
Trait known genes

The known genes file should be a headerless text file with a single column of known gene symbols. These symbols must be GENCODE-compatible and protein-coding. Those that are not will be filtered out.

known_genes_file <- system.file("example_data", "known_genes.txt", package = "EG2")
read.delim(known_genes_file, header = F)$V1
##  [1] "AKT1"     "ARID1A"   "ATM"      "BRCA1"    "BRCA2"    "CBFB"    
##  [7] "CDH1"     "CDKN1B"   "CHEK2"    "CTCF"     "ERBB2"    "ESR1"    
## [13] "FGFR2"    "FOXA1"    "GATA3"    "GPS2"     "HS6ST1"   "KMT2C"   
## [19] "KRAS"     "LRRC37A3" "MAP2K4"   "MAP3K1"   "NCOR1"    "NF1"     
## [25] "NUP93"    "PALB2"    "PIK3CA"   "PTEN"     "RB1"      "RUNX1"   
## [31] "SF3B1"    "STK11"    "TBX3"     "TP53"     "ZFP36L1"
Alternative Weights

The full annotation weights and descriptions are stored as a raw TSV file in example_data/.

system.file("example_data", "default_weights.tsv", package = "EG2")
## [1] "/mnt/backedup/home/alexandT/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/4.0/EG2/example_data/default_weights.tsv"

These default weights can be accessed as a dataframe when EG2 is loaded.

##                               weight
## vxg_nonsense                     1.0
## vxg_missense                     0.8
## vxg_splicesite                   0.8
## vxt_exon_or_inv_distance         0.6
## vxt_TADs                         0.6
## vxt_HiChIP_scores                0.6
## vxt_promoter_H3K27ac_bins_sum    0.6
## vxt_promoter                     0.5

A file of alternative weights for annotations can be passed to weights_file. The file must be tab-delimited and contain annotation and weight columns. If an annotation is missing from the weights_file, it will be weighted 0.

predict_target_genes(weights_file = "path/to/alternative/weights.tsv", ...)

Running predict_target_genes()

To run predict_target_genes()...

annotations <- predict_target_genes(
  trait = "BC_Michailidou2017_FM",
  variants_file = "example_data/variants.bed",
  known_genes_file = "example_data/known_genes.txt",
  reference_panels_dir = "path/to/EG2_data/"

Unless an out_dir argument is passed, the results will be saved to 'out/trait/celltypes/'. If a sub_dir is passed, then run results will be saved to a subdirectory below this ('out/trait/celltypes/sub_dir/'). If do_timestamp = T, then the run results will be saved to a time-stamped subdirectory.

If you are calling predict_target_genes() repeatedly in the same session, you can load the large reference objects H3K27ac and HiChIP into the global environment once, and then pass them to the function pre-loaded. This prevents redundant re-loading with each call to predict_target_genes().

# 1. load large reference panel objects
HiChIP <- readRDS("path/to/EG2_data/HiChIP.rds")
H3K27ac <- readRDS("path/to/EG2_data/H3K27ac.rds")
# 2. pass objects to predict_target_genes for a quicker runtime
annotations <- predict_target_genes(
  HiChIP = HiChIP,
  H3K27ac = H3K27ac,