
Multiplatform multithreaded context swapping fiber based job system.

Primary LanguageAssemblyOtherNOASSERTION


Small C API Multiplatform multithreaded fiber based job system based on ideas presented by Naughty Dog in the talk 'Parallelizing the Naughty Dog Engine'.

Naughty Dog Video Naughty Dog Slides

Build Status

Build Status


Make a Sew_Procedure:

    void hello_something(Sew_Procedure_Argument argument)
        unsigned world = (unsigned) (size_t) argument;

        printf("Hello world %d\n", world);

Then make a couple of jobs (stitches) that call that procedure:

    Sew_Stitch jobs[10];

    for (unsigned i = 0; i < 10; i++)
        jobs[i].procedure = hello_something;
        jobs[i].argument  = (Sew_Procedure_Argument) (size_t) i;
        jobs[i].name      = "hello_something";

    sew_stitches_and_wait(sewing, jobs, 10);
    // Run the 10 jobs pointed to by 'jobs'. The call will wait until all ten
    // jobs are finsihed.

This will result in output similar to:

    Hello world 0
    Hello world 1
    Hello world 2
    Hello world 7
    Hello world 8
    Hello world 9
    Hello world 3
    Hello world 4
    Hello world 6
    Hello world 5

since the jobs system is multithreaded, the order of job execution is not guaraneteed to be the order the jobs were submitted.

For a full tutorial, see the end of this readme file.

How is this Different from Normal Thread Job Systems?

'sew_stitches_and_wait' doesn't "block" in the traditional sense. while the code is waiting for the jobs to finish in sew_stitches_and_wait the current context is swapped with a new fiber containing a new job. Only when all the jobs have been finished will the context be swapped back and sew_stitches_and_wait returns.

That is, each thread is always doing work, and not "blocking" on a job that is stuck waiting in sew_stitches_and_wait (or sew_wait).


    YES     = Tested Working
    Hack    = Someone has modifed files in order to run it
    t       = In Theory. Compile code not written yet
    <empty> = Not supported
Arch Linux Windows MacOS X iOS Android
arm YES t Hack Hack
arm_64 t Hack t
x86 YES YES YES Hack
x86_64 YES YES YES t
mips t
ppc t t
ppc_64 t t


The build system uses CMake for building. This can be used to generate Make, Ninja, MSVC or Xcode projects easily.

MSVC doesn't support C11 atomics, so it'll need to be built using C++11 instead.


  • CMake version 3.0.0 or higher
  • C11 or C++11 with atomics support
  • pthread on linux
  • hwloc for the test code (optional)

CMake with Make

    cd Sewing
    mkdir build
    cd build
    cmake ..

Special defines and CMake options

Build C++11 instead of C11

(Default: Off)

The library uses C11 atomics, however it can also be built using a C++11 compiler and C++11 atomics instead if this option is set.


(Default: 0)

The test code can use the hwloc platform library to bind threads to a logical CPU core as opposed to letting the OS shuffle them around as it see fit.

Can be set using the CMake option "Test: Bind threads to cores (hwloc)."


(Default: 0)

if SEW_VALGRIND is set to 1, then code to add valgrind tracking to the fiber's stacks are added. Prevents excessive false positive warnings when running the code under valgrind.

Can be set using the CMake option "Build valgrind friendly library."


(Default: 1)

if SEW_ASSERTS is set to 1, then the code will be compiled using <assert.h> and assert(test) for it's internal assertion checks.


(Default: 0)

For Linux or Windows, you can enable a stack guard by setting the define SEW_STACK_GUARD to a multiple of your target system's page size value (4096 bytes on my PC). If the stack gets touched out of bounds in the guard area then it should crash (or raise a signal) there and then, resulting in a useful stacktrace.

Can be set using the CMake option "Stack guard page size (bytes)."


  • 'sew_stitches' and 'sew_stitches_and_wait' will block until all jobs are queued. If you are only running one thread, and the queue is full, this will cause a deadlock.

  • The system will deadlock if all fibers are used up. You can put a breakpoint in sew_get_free_fiber on the line return SEW_INVALID; if you suspect this is happening to you.

  • When Sew_Procedure_Main exits, all threads and fibers are destroyed. If there are any outstanding fibers waiting to finish, they will NOT be called. This could cause a resource leak if those fibers needed to free memory, close handles, call destructors or run cleanup code.

  • sew_external will block until it can get an internal signal object. If you have used up all your fibers and call this, it will block forever.

  • If you call sew_external_finished with a Sew_Chain that wasn't returned by sew_external, or call it twice with the same Sew_Chain, then you will get undefined behaviour. Symptoms might be fiber leaks, unrelated jobs finishing, or deadlocks.

  • Make sure you know what your OS's min and max stack sizes are.


The Sewing library is under the MIT license, except the contents of the src/asm directory, which are under the Boost license.

Technical Notes


Normal multithread job produce and consume systems don't have the ability for a job to wait for another job to finish without blocking the thread running the waiting job.


Jeff Preshing has written excellent articles about atomics operations, and his guides were instrumental in the creation of this library.

Atomics: Introduction to Lock-Free Programming

Job Queue

The job queue was implemented from the multiple producer, multiple consumer (MPMC) queue described by Dmitry Vyuko on 1024cores.

High Speed Atomic MPMC Queue


Fiber based context switching was originally supported in POSIX using getcontext and setcontext. However that API was depreciated in the latest POSIX standard. Secondly, because it had to handle POSIX signals, it needed to cross the user/kernel boundary for each context switch, significantly slowing down its raw speed.

For windows there is the CreateFiber API. However that doesn't let you specifiy the stack used by the fiber. This means that creating Fibers can be a costly operation due to the required memory allocation (for the stack) per fiber.

libmill (and libdill) looked like a wonderful solution to the problem, however they don't support windows, so were a no-go.

Boost::Context seemed like the logical solution as it supported multiple platforms, ABIs and compilers. It was also lightweight as described in the original Naugty Dog video. However it was C++ only ABI. Luckly it also exported the C ABI fcontext. That is until Boost version 1.61, where the API was made private. So I just copied the boost 1.60 assembler code and included in this project.

Stack Safety

As the fiber stacks are created as a large flat array, there are no protections on stack overflow. An overflow will just walk into the neighbouring fiber's stack and corrupt it.

Set SEW_STACK_GUARD if you suspect that's happening.

Thread Local Storage

Fundemental to the fiber code is thread local storage (TLS). This is used as a way for the system to communicate between jobs. However I don't use an OS provided TLS, but instead roll my own by using a lookup based on the current thread id. Why?

__thread on GCC is a GCC specific extension. __declspec( thread ) on windows only supports statically linked libraries. thread_local in C++11 is, well, C++11 only, and not supported in C. TlsAlloc and friends is just too much work for me to support, I'm lazy. _Thread_local in C11 would be nice, except thread support in C11 is optional.

How Fast

Good question, I don't know.

On my i7-4790 CPU @ 3.60GHz, Running on linux with-g -O2 using the 'Empty Jobs' benchmark, I get between 100ns to 150ns per empty job called. I think in the scheme of things thats pretty slow for a context based library.

Make It Faster

Ideas for making it faster:

Don't swap fibers to find a new job. If there are no old fiber to resume then just run another job, instead of putting the fiber on the free list and making a new fiber. For the empty job benchmark this can do a 30% speed inprovment. The reason I didn't implement this, is that it prevents using a dual-stack job system as described in the 'Naughty Dog Engine' (which I intend to implement eventually).

The free and wait list implementations are pretty naive. I'm pretty sure there is a better lockless way of accessing them as opposed to looping over them. I suspect there is a lot of cache churn and false sharing around index 0 between lots of threads.

Have someone else look at the code, point out any stupids that can easly be fixed.

Read up on the article suggested by Josh Simmons to see if that can improve speed due to improving context switching branch prediction. http://www.crystalclearsoftware.com/soc/coroutine/coroutine/linuxasm.html


Hello World


The sewing library is malloc free. That means it will tell you how much memory it needs and it's your job to allocate it.

    #include "sewing.h"

    #include <malloc.h>
    // malloc, free

    #include <stdio.h>
    // printf

    int main(int argc, char** argv)
        (void) argc;
        (void) argv;

        size_t bytes = sew_it
              NULL               // Set to null to get the required memory size
            , 32 * 1024          // 32kb stack per fiber
            , 4                  // 4 threads (including this one)
            , 10                 // Job queue will be (1 << 10) entires large
            , 128                // we can have 128 fibers on the go at once
            , main_procedure     // User defined entry for the sewing system.
            , NULL               // User defined argument for 'main_procedure'

        void* sewing = malloc(bytes);

              sewing            // Memory the sewing system will use internally.
            , 32 * 1024
            , 4
            , 10
            , 128
            , main_procedure
            , NULL
        // This will call 'main_procedure' and block until it has finished.
        // once finished the user is free to release memory allocated for the sewing
        // system.


        return 0;

The main_procedure will need a function signature as follows:

    void main_procedure
          struct Sewing*         sewing
        , Sew_Thread*            threads
        , size_t                 thread_count
        , Sew_Procedure_Argument procedure_argument
        // 'sewing' is the internal state required by any call to the sewing
        // API.

        // 'threads[thread_count]' are OS specific thread handles passed back to
        // the user. This gives the user the ability to adjust thread affinity,
        // priority, security, or any other such thread based tweaks.

        // 'procedure_argument' is the value passed to the call to 'sew_it'.

        // When this function exits, all threads will be destroyed and
        // 'sew_it' will return.


Jobs (refered to as stitches) are given their own fiber and stack, and can call, and wait on any other jobs. Lets reuse the one in the example.

    void hello_something(Sew_Procedure_Argument argument)
        unsigned world = (unsigned) (size_t) argument;

        printf("Hello world %d\n", world);

Now lets modify main_procedure to call it.

    void main_procedure
          struct Sewing*         sewing
        , Sew_Thread*            threads
        , size_t                 thread_count
        , Sew_Procedure_Argument procedure_argument
        // 'sewing' is the internal state required by any call to the sewing
        // API.

        // 'threads[thread_count]' are OS specific thread handles passed back to
        // the user. This gives the user the ability to adjust thread affinity,
        // priority, security, or any other such thread based tweaks.

        // 'procedure_argument' is the value passed to the call to 'sew_it'.

        // ---- NEW ------

        (void) threads;
        (void) thread_count;
        (void) procedure_argument;
        // remove Unused variable warnings

        Sew_Stitch jobs[10];

        for (unsigned i = 0; i < 10; i++)
            jobs[i].procedure = hello_something;
            jobs[i].argument  = (Sew_Procedure_Argument) (size_t) i;
            jobs[i].name      = "hello_something";

        sew_stitches_and_wait(sewing, jobs, 10);
        // call will wait until all ten jobs are finsihed.

        // ---- NEW ------

        // When this function exits, all threads will be destroyed and
        // 'sew_it' will return.


How about doing it asynchronously?

If you use sew_stitches (instead ofsew_stitches_and_wait), then you can keep working while the jobs are run in the background until you wait for them to finish using sew_wait. Just like an asynchronously system.

So lets modify the main_procedure

    void main_procedure
          struct Sewing*         sewing
        , Sew_Thread*            threads
        , size_t                 thread_count
        , Sew_Procedure_Argument procedure_argument
        // 'sewing' is the internal state required by any call to the sewing
        // API.

        // 'threads[thread_count]' are OS specific thread handles passed back to
        // the user. This gives the user the ability to adjust thread affinity,
        // priority, security, or any other such thread based tweaks.

        // 'procedure_argument' is the value passed to the call to 'sew_it'.

        (void) threads;
        (void) thread_count;
        (void) procedure_argument;
        // remove Unused variable warnings

        Sew_Stitch jobs[10];

        for (unsigned i = 0; i < 10; i++)
            jobs[i].procedure = hello_something;
            jobs[i].argument  = (Sew_Procedure_Argument) (size_t) i;
            jobs[i].name      = "hello_something";

        // ---- NEW ------

        //sew_stitches_and_wait(sewing, jobs, 10);
        // call will wait until all ten jobs are finsihed.

        Sew_Chain future;

        sew_stitches(sewing, jobs, 10, &future);
        // This returns straight away, jobs run in background. 'future' is
        // updated with a handle that we can wait on later.
        // If it's set to NULL, then this is a fire and forget.

        Sew_Stitch jobs_100[100];

        for (unsigned i = 0; i < 100; i++)
            jobs_100[i].procedure = hello_something;
            jobs_100[i].argument  = (Sew_Procedure_Argument) (size_t) (100 + i);
            jobs_100[i].name      = "hello_something";

        sew_stitches_and_wait(sewing, jobs_100, 100);

        sew_wait(sewing, future);
        // NOW we wait for the first set of jobs to finish.

        // ---- NEW ------

        // When this function exits, all threads will be destroyed and
        // 'sew_it' will return.

External Triggers

This is nice, but how do I make it so that fibers run at certain intervals, or when some IO is complete, or an event is triggered?

We can use sew_external to get a Sew_Chain that we control, then a fiber can use sew_wait to wait for it. When the fiber is ready to be run we can call sew_external_finished to mark the chain 'completed' and the fiber will return from its wait.

This is nice, but how do I make it so that fibers run at certain intervals, or when some IO is complete, or an event is triggered?

Ok, I'll explain with some code:

Lets make a function that waits on a chain.

    typedef struct Waiter
        struct Sewing* sewing;
        Sew_Chain      chain;

    void wait_for_something(Sew_Procedure_Argument argument)
        Waiter* waiter = (Waiter*) argument;

        printf("%u waiting\n", (unsigned) (size_t) waiter->chain);

        sew_wait(waiter->sewing, waiter->chain);

        printf("%u done\n", (unsigned) (size_t) waiter->chain);

You would put your code that does IO wait or reacts to a trigger after the sew_wait that's waiting on our custom tigger.

we'll add some code to the bottom of main_procedure to simulate 'triggering' a waiting fiber. First we setup four chains that we control, and fibers that will wait for them.

        sew_wait(sewing, future);
        // NOW we wait for the first set of jobs to finish.

        // ---- NEW ------

        Waiter     waiters[4];
        Sew_Stitch waiting_jobs[4];

        for (unsigned i = 0; i < 4; i++)
            waiters[i].sewing = sewing;
            sew_external(sewing, &waiters[i].chain);

            waiting_jobs[i].procedure = wait_for_something;
            waiting_jobs[i].argument  = (Sew_Procedure_Argument) &waiters[i];
            waiting_jobs[i].name      = "wait_for_something";

Queue them up, but don't wait for them to finish, as we'll deadlock if we do that now.

        Sew_Chain wait_for_everything;

        sew_stitches(sewing, waiting_jobs, 4, &wait_for_everything);

Now we'll trigger the waiting jobs manually ourselves. The example is a bit silly, but you get the general idea.

        for (size_t i = 0 ; i < 1000000000; i++)
            if (i == 3256262)

            if (i == 32598753)

            if (i == 304823474)

            if (i == 982432049)

Now it's important to call sew_wait as otherwise we will leak the Sew_Chain.

        sew_wait(sewing, wait_for_everything);

        // When this function exits, all threads will be destroyed and
        // 'sew_it' will return.