
Fast Unmixing Using Alternating Method of Multipliers

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Fast Unmixing Using Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers


FUnmix is an open-source Python/PyTorch Package for Semi-supervised hyperspectral unmixing. It contains two algorithms called FaSUn and SUnS to solve the following nonconvex optimizations:

FaSUn (Fast Semissupervised Unmixing):

$$(\hat{\bf B},\hat{\bf A})=\arg\min_{{\bf B,A}} \frac{1}{2} || {\bf Y}-{\bf DBA}||_{F}^{2} ~~~ {\rm s.t.}~~~{\bf B}\geq 0,{\bf 1}_{m}^{T}{\bf B}={\bf 1}_{r}^{T}, {\rm and } ~~~ {\bf A}\geq 0,{\bf 1}_{r}^{T}{\bf A}={\bf 1}_{n}^{T}.$$

SUnS (Sparse Unmixing Using Soft-Shrinkage):

$$(\hat{\bf B},\hat{\bf A})=\arg\min_{{\bf B,A}} \frac{1}{2} || {\bf Y}-{\bf DBA}||_{F}^{2} +\lambda ||{\bf B}||_1 ~~~ {\rm s.t.}~~~ {\bf A}\geq 0,{\bf 1}_{r}^{T}{\bf A}={\bf 1}_{n}^{T}, 0\leq{\bf B}\leq 1.$$

Note: The provided tools can be used for signal and image processing applications beyond unmixing such as source separation.

FUnmix Features

  • Semisupervised category (Dictionary ${\bf D}$ should be provided)
  • 2 unmixing methods (FaSUn, SUnS)
  • 2 metrics (SRE, RMSE)
  • 3 simulated datasets (located under ./data/)


FUnmix is distributed under MIT license.

Citing FUnmix

Rasti, B., Zouaoui, A., Mairal, J., & Chanussot, J. (2024). Fast Semi-supervised Unmixing using Non-convex Optimization. ArXiv. /abs/2308.09375


Using conda

We recommend using a conda virtual Python environment to install FUnmix.

In the following steps we will use conda to handle the Python distribution and pip to install the required Python packages. If you do not have conda, please install it using Miniconda.

conda create --name FUnmix python=3.10

Activate the new conda environment to install the Python packages.

conda activate FUnmix

Clone the Github repository.

git clone git@github.com:BehnoodRasti/FUnmix.git

Change directory and install the required Python packages.

cd FUnmix && pip install -r requirements.txt

Important Note

The PyTorch was not included in the requirements.txt. You'll need to separately install PyTorch according to your OS and CUDA, please take a look https://pytorch.org/get-started/locally/. We tested the package on both Linux and Windows using Python 3.10 and pytorch-cuda=11.8.

Getting started

This toolbox uses MLXP to manage multiple experiments built on top of hydra.

There are a few required parameters to define in order to run an experiment:

  • data: hyperspectral unmixing dataset (DC1, DC2, MR70, MR85, and MR100)
  • model: unmixing model (FaSUn or SUnS)
  • SNR: input SNR (optional)

An example of a corresponding command line is simply:

python main.py data=DC1 model=FaSUn

Advanced Note:

If you set +mlxp.logger.log_streams_to_file=True as below, you get the information for your configurations saved into log.stderr and log.stdout instead of printing in the console.

python main.py data=DC1 model=FaSUn +mlxp.logger.log_streams_to_file=True   


Data format

Datasets consist in a dedicated .mat file containing the following keys:

  • Y: original hyperspectral image (dimension p x n)
  • D: endmembers library (dimension p x m)
  • A: ground truth abundances (dimension r x n)
  • h: HSI number of rows
  • w: HSI number of columns
  • r: number of endmembers
  • p: number of channels
  • n: number of pixels (n == h*w)
  • m: number of atoms

Parameter Tuning

Fine Tuning

You may need to fine-tune the models' parameters for your application. Every method has a dedicated .yaml file located at config/model, which indicates the relevant parameters you can use for fine-tuning. For instance, for FaSUn, the parameters are indicated in config/model/FaSUn.yaml, and we can change the number of iterations for the outer loop (T) with the following line.

python main.py data=DC1 model=FaSUn model.T=12000