
Enterprise Master Patent Index

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Master Patient Index is a containerized API microservice with a PostgreSQL database. MPI is used to improve the interoperability of medical records by conducting entity resolution (matching) on patient records. Improved entity resolution on patient records is vital because medical errors are a huge cause of death in the United States. Chart errors and duplication of records has other big impacts on facilities' costs as well.

MPI is conceptualized as a data warehouse using dimensional data modeling practices that sits alongside your own data pipeline. You POST patient demographic records to the warehouse and those records are activated into the network of patient graphs. If a record is matched to any given record(s), they will share an enterprise_id as a unique serial number representing a patient. The enterprise_id is clad from the lowest ID in any group. Ongoing changes to these graphs are published to a bulletin.

The entire service lives inside a container and your instance(s) may be placed anywhere within your cloud security perimeter easily.

In sum, the following 8 cursor-behaviors (acting on your patient network) are supported via POST to a service endpoint:

Post Demographic: adds and activates a demographic to your warehouse

Delete Demographic: deactivates, archives, and removes a demographic from your warehouse

Activate Demographic: adds the record as a node to the patient network and computes it with potential matches, updating the network as necessary

Deactivate Demographic: removes the record as a node from the patient network and re-computes the network in its absence

Affirm Match: adds 1.0 to the match-weight attribute of the match record

Deny Match: subtracts 1.0 from the match-weight attribute of the match record

Delete (Delete Demographic): fetches a deleted record from the archive, and passes it back in via a Post Demographic (above)

Delete (Affirm or Deny): enacts the opposing behavior on request

MPI incorporates a fully audited data warehouse, where every transaction is reversible using the commands outlined above. MPI traces a complete record of everything that ever happens on MPI. This unleashes your total quality control processes according to your own customized design and any particular data quality needs you may have as well.

When demographic records are activated (as above), the newly introduced record is paired off with a collection of coarse matches. Each pair-wise comparison runs a battery of deterministic tests and stores these in an encrypted metric JSON object for storage on your volume (in "toy mode" (see below) this is bypassed and no metric files are created). Special encrypt/decrypt methods ensure these metric files are only legible inside the audited universe of the service to suit your access control and security needs.

Score-weighting refers to the activity of reading the metric object and assessing between 0 and 1 how likely the two records are representative of the same patient. Scores exist on a range of 0 to 1, with the threshold for matching currently set at 0.5.

A finalized score-weighting mechanism is not supplied because this needs to be responsive to your data quality. For instance, if your date of birth records are fantastic, you can assign them a higher score-weight on matches than if this data is of very poor quality, and so on with all other data attributes. One of the conceits of this application is that you can supply independent analytic heft. This is where.

Because this system handles an ongoing, human process, with a very special set of cursors to enable full reversibility, the state of your patient network and its collection of patient graphs is always, in the present moment, assumed to be your "least wrong" network. What this means, practically, is that most access to this service by the customer tranche interested in retrieving patient graphs and/or unique patient serials will do so by accessing or subscribing to the bulletin. Put another way, the serialization here is not meant to be stored elsewhere, but fetched at customers' own run-time, when and as needed.

Getting Started

It's as easy as...

1 - Install Docker, Python, and Flask, and this Repo

Developed with Docker version 23.0.5, build bc4487a
Python 3.10
Flask 2.2.2

2 - Set up three hidden files your Docker build will rely on

Place these .env files in / with your own username, password, and database. The filename starts with a . because these are meant to be hidden files.







3 - Spin up a container


sudo docker compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d --build
sudo docker compose exec web python manage.py create_db
sudo docker compose -f docker-compose.yml down -v
sudo docker compose exec db psql --username= --dbname=

The create_db command above should only be run once (on initial start) or whenever you really want to give the DB a blow-out.

This container uses Gunicorn and Nginx, and its own database and volume.


sudo docker compose -f docker-compose.dev.yml up -d --build
sudo docker compose -f docker-compose.dev.yml down -v
sudo docker compose exec db psql --username= --dbname=

The dev container uses the flask development web server, and its own database and volume. This container runs create_db on startup.

Product Philosophy and Vision

This product is intended to have 5 key values. The solution:

  • enables a human process
  • provides an elegant interface
  • has independent/DIY score-weighting for matches
  • is truly agnostic of your existing tooling
  • is open source

There are 8 product design conceits which we believe improve the yield of this system:

  • the battery of deterministic tests yields a stored metric for repeatability
  • the activity of match-scoring is decoupled from computing the metric (maintaining a posture that you can always go back and apply new weights, or even new tests)
  • this means variable match-scoring is a native feature
  • the graph cursor is placed in the hands of your clinicians
  • the real state of your demographic data store is also in the hands of your clinicians
  • the warehouse maintains a robust audit trail
  • any UI or workflow may be built on top of the API easily
  • the graph cursor applies graph theory natively

We (try to) adhere to the following product-code principles:

  • there is a clear separation of concerns
  • each module does one thing and is short (under 250 lines/10kb, where possible)
  • each function does one thing and is short (clear exception: funcs working with SQLA can be long)
  • the name-space is clear, consistent, normative, and descriptive throughout
  • callable context managers (objects composed with __call__, __enter__, and __exit__ implemented) provide full warehouse observability for every process whatsoever and ensure the service architecture is tightly wrapped, everywhere
  • the correspondence between the service endpoints, data processors, payload validators, and the data model is intentionally maintained with a coupler
  • docstrings always; type-hints and other annotations are supplied as much as possible which is nearly always
  • the code is subject to static analysis (via PyCharm CE) and strictly maintained to all PEPs.
  • testing at the "fair enough" level. Every module is validated, but this product has no devops opinion. This means it is light on integration tests, smoke tests, and test automation, broadly.

It is absolutely necessary that you create an airtight testing seal with additional coverage within the context of your own deployment.

Project Details

To become a contributor to this project, read the Code of Conduct, pull my email out of it, and get in touch without hesitation.

As of now, there is no helpdesk automation or administration for issues, tickets, or anything else. This is a ground-floor project, and if you want commit-level access because you have a strong opinion about these features, let's talk!

Service Endpoints

POST requests alter the patient network using processors uniquely dedicated to each endpoint, while GET requests provide visibility throughout the entire data model.

Name Route ('/api_{version}/'...) Methods
Activate Demographic 'activate_demographic' ['GET', 'POST']
Archive Demographic 'archive_demographic' ['GET']
Deactivate Demographic 'deactivate_demographic' ['GET', 'POST']
Delete Action 'delete_action' ['GET', 'POST']
Delete Demographic 'delete_demographic' ['GET', 'POST']
Demographic 'demographic' ['GET', 'POST']
Affirm Match 'match_affirm' ['GET', 'POST']
Deny Match 'match_deny' ['GET', 'POST']
Enterprise Group 'enterprise_group' ['GET']
Enterprise Match 'enterprise_match' ['GET']
Batch 'batch' ['GET']
Bulletin 'bulletin' ['GET']
Process 'process' ['GET']
ID Source 'etl_id_source' ['GET']
Add Crosswalk 'add_crosswalk' ['GET', 'POST']
Activate Crosswalk 'activate_crosswalk' ['GET', 'POST']
Deactivate Crosswalk 'deactivate_crosswalk' ['GET', 'POST']
Add Crosswalk Bind 'add_crosswalk_bind' ['GET', 'POST']
Activate Crosswalk Bind 'activate_crosswalk_bind' ['GET', 'POST']
Deactivate Crosswalk Bind 'deactivate_crosswalk_bind' ['GET', 'POST']

Code Tour

The Docker container is built from /. The python package itself is in /services/web/project.

  • __init__: all payload processing is wrapped, and endpoint rules are registered
  • __version__: just the software version
  • app: Flask app object is created and configured
  • auditor: supplies a callable context-manager to trace all transactions
  • coupler: intentional coupling of data model, data processor, payload validator, and supported protocol methods
  • crosswalk: a set of processors for maintaining a foreign-key ID crosswalk
  • crypto_s3: an encrypted getter/setter for handling metric results data. Not fully implemented and not tested at this time
  • data_utils: some helper functions for handling data idiomatically
  • engine: match-computation is orchestrated here, metrics result
  • graphing: arranging graphs from metrics and updating the database
  • logger: a formatted, leveled, handled, named, and located logging object
  • matching: a battery of deterministic string-matching tests
  • model: the database connection context, db, and the entire data model of tables which are bound to endpoints via coupler
  • processor: A wrapper for all transactions and selections, status updates, and 8 unique data processors which are bound to endpoints via coupler
  • validators: validating client payloads with custom validators which are bound to endpoints via coupler

Bottomless Undo Support

Reversibility is a core concept to MPI.

We believe it makes for a far better data quality and quality control toolkit if this service supports any process of continuous and ongoing self-correction uniformly, throughout. We do this by giving every command its opposite so that literally every transaction is totally reversible. This means your patient network reflects the latest curation work by your team, and your patient charts are not waiting for a monthly, weekly, or even a daily sync.

demographic and delete_demographic and delete_action

POST a demographic record and it will hit activate (see below). demographic_delete, on the other hand, will deactivate a record, and supply it to archive_demographic before deleting it from demographic delete_action with a payload including k=v: batch_action='demographic' will use the endpoint to find the target record in the archive_demographic table, and send it back to demographic via POST

This means a record may be added and removed and re-added, and it may be activated and deactivated.

affirm and deny

Score-weights sampled via the deterministic matching mechanism are generated in the range of 0 to 1.0. By hard-coded default, the match threshold is 0.5. This is the threshold above which pairwise comparison is said to result in a match and beneath which there is determined to be no match.

affirm is called on a delete_action(batch_action='deny') request and deny is called on a delete_action(batch_action='affirm') request.

The actions of affirm and deny each impact the match score (score weight) by 1.0 in the + and - directions, so on their own they categorically force a matching result (either way). As opposites, affirm and deny can also effectively cancel each other out which is why ordering the Delete of one of these actions records your Delete request and then calls the opposite command.

With that in mind, this feature is designed to support a tug-of-war polling process whereby multiple clinician/operators may be given the same work list to curate with their affirm and deny responses. If you give it to three (or more) people, any result will be 1.0 for each headcount of margin and this will either enforce a match (if affirm) or negate a match (if deny) arithmetically.

While affirm and deny do oppose each other naturally, twiddling them via the delete_action endpoint specifically unpicks a record intentionally, for QC-purposes.

activate and deactivate

activate runs a record through the matching engine, and graphs it into the patient network. This includes updating the demographic, activate_demographic, enterprise_match, enterprise_group, and bulletin tables whenever an update or change to the network is transacted. A newly activated record may stand alone, or it may be grafted on to an existing patient graph. Where this graft occurs, the enterprise_id of the graph may change or it may remain the same but the newly added record will produce a bulletin about itself in any case.

deactivate removes all enterprise_match, enterprise_group records where the target record is implicated, and recursively collects every record in the original patient graph and runs each one through the GraphCursor again, respective of the aforementioned match and group updates.

If you activate and then deactivate a record, the patient network will work as if you had never introduced the record. Meanwhile, if you deactivate and then activate a record, the patient network will include the record exactly as if it had never been deactivated. POST a demographic record and it will be activated by default. Delete a demographic via delete_demographic and the record will hit deactivate on the way out.

The Data Warehouse

All four serialization tracks are provided along one number-line. Meta-data is collected via POST request payload hitting any endpoint, and this is inserted into the number-line source table, ETLIDSource, with an auto-incremented ID returning. This ID forms the primary key of a new record insertion which may be staged for any table in the model. Control over the minting of keys and the ties between them and any transactional activity supports the goals of observability and reversibility. Traversing the keys that are created unleashes numerous ways of querying, analyzing, and assessing the records in fine grain.

See the wiring diagrams for the data model in the Flow Charts section below but in short: any POST request (one which alters the network) spawns a batch. One attribute of this request is the endpoint it came in on (referred to here as batch_action) and another is the batch_key. Any record altered as a result of a single request (remember: many records could be affected by any one request) will have that change associated to the batch_id. There is also a batch_status which goes from PENDING to COMPLETED as computational conditions are met.

Meanwhile, one request may trigger a sequence of individual transactions, each on one record somewhere in the model. Each of these transactions, the atomic behavior of this service, spawns a process. Among the attributes of the process you'll find a process_id, its parent the batch_id, our internal primary key of the record, your source primary key of the record, and a transaction_key. The transaction_key is formed as follows f'{batch_id}_{process_id}'. The process record also has a process_status which goes from PENDING to a custom verb which says what just happened (eg. 'POSTED', 'ACTIVATED', 'ARCHIVED', etc., etc. etc.) by way of usages of processor.update_status().

The auditor hands out all of these keys from the ID source, in context, and the audit records in Batch and Process provide visibility into every distinct transaction.

The GraphCursor and GraphReCursor

In graph theory, a graph is constructed from nodes and edges. In MPI the nodes are patient records, and edges the match score that exists between them. The operation of MPI can thus be seen as a continuous adding, changing, and pruning these nodes and edges. The number of graphs in the network is constantly changing as are the shapes and structures of the graphs of active patients.

The GraphCursor provides visibility, introspection, and a common process for managing data morphology in light of all the cursor features described above. The purpose of the GraphCursor is to receive a list of node-pairs and their edge-weights: being demographic record pairs and the match score between them. The GraphCursor reconciles the demographic, enterprise_match, enterprise_group and bulletin tables to represent changes made to the graph object it contains. In other words, all activities on the MPI are fed to the GraphCursor to manage updates and changes to the patient network. Whether you are adding records, activating them, and affirming matches, or doing subtractive work like deactivating and denying, this is driven by manipulating a graph object and subsequently transacting on all those tables to enact your changes. This permits workflows that contain review and deferred execution. The cursor even has a __str__ method so you can look at the contents of a graph. There is also a function called store_graph_image which returns a graph visual.

Here is what printing a graph object looks like:

<GraphCursor: 3 | 6 records | 15 edges | 9 matches>

This graph has an enterprise_id of 3, and of the 15 edges that exist between 6 records, 9 of those edges are above the match threshold in score-weight.

This is what nodes_and_weights looks like for this graph. You're seeing (low, low) record IDs and match-weights packed into tuples.

nodes_and_weights = [(3,4,0.8), (3,5,1.4), (4,5,0.8), (3,6,0.4), (4,6,0.4), (5,6,0.8), (3,7,0.4), (4,7,0.4), (5,7,0.8), (6,7,0.8), (3,8,0.4), (4,8,0.4), (5,8,0.8), (6,8,0.8), (7,8,0.8),]

graph = GraphCursor(nodes_and_weights, 1, 2)



Because the graph above has an enterprise_id of 3, you find it under that filename. By default, score-weights above the matching threshold are drawn in green, while non-matches are drawn in dotted red. The score-weight is shown. (the score of 1.4 reflects a hypothetical Affirm) The nodes or demographics themselves are drawn as blue dots and the number printed over them is their record_id. These charts are all produced with a fixed seed so that--for the same data--they are always arranged the same way, keeping them stable as you examine them and adjust them over time.

I arbitrarily designed this data so that record 5 would be highly central and of huge degree to the graph, such that removing it splits the graph. That's because splitting up and healing these graphs is the ongoing business of this software. Suppose we down-weight all matches with record 5, so it is no longer central to the graph:

<GraphCursor: 3 | 6 records | 15 edges | 4 matches>

Technically, you are still on graph 3, which is record 3 matched to record 4. But this change has also spawned two new graphs: a graph for [5] and one for [6,7,8]. The reverse can also happen if you view the above two images in the opposite order, as record 5 being given affirms to 3, 4, 6, 7 and or 8 and one graph being "healed" from many. This relates to why full reversibility is so important to this product. How do we manage this change through all the (pretty mind-bending) implications?

The GraphReCursor was built for this. Its job is to take a single record_id as a parameter and to recursively select (or recur over) the records that are graphed to a given record--producing a set of nodes_and_weights to be run through the GraphCursor. If you look at the record IDs implicated in the graphs above, you might treat them all as a list of affected records. By making changes and then recurring over each potentially affected record, you detect and furnish publication on the set of all the impacts a given change has on the patient network in a way that is collectively exhaustive. The GraphCursor and GraphReCursor are designed to work together in this fashion, such that running records through the GraphCursor is idempotent.

Imagine applying a deny to a match record. The software will recur on each of the two formerly matched records distinctly, and run everything picked up through the GraphCursor. Denying a match may split the graph, but also even if non-matched, two records may remain in a graph together via other edges. While the processes in this system are broken down to the atomic level, any one transaction on one record can potentially affect any number of other records, necessitating further transactions. This is where record locators like transaction_key become vital. The implicated changes will all share this key. It is these features in concert that allow not just the range of activities you enact but also their networked implications to become reversible.

This provides a frictionless and non-destructible surface for curating data.

The ID Crosswalk

When you POST demographics, there is a feature that lets you supply a foreign_record_id for each record--that being the primary key at your record source. With this feature you may define a crosswalk by giving it a crosswalk_name and by defining the name of the primary key (e.g. patientid) at your source via POST.

For example: {'crosswalk_name': 'Athena', 'key_name': 'patientid'}.

These crosswalk additions are used in tandem with crosswalk_bind commands. While the crosswalk records are maintained as a largely stable inventory of your sources, binds link a given batch of records to a given crosswalk. Plainly, this is recording declaratively that a given POST came from a given source. This goes further than stating a name in a field, it wires up dimensional access to any foreign ID system as a feature of the patient network.

By providing this information along a formal dimension, customers may interact with the patient network using any point of entry, including the IDs they may handle via any system. Further, network access may be intentionally restricted according to defined source(s) as a means of taxonomical access control.

Flow Charts

Request Flow

graph TD
A[Request with payload]-->B(Deserialize Payload)
B-->C(Validate Payload)
C-->D(Encounter Service Endpoint)
D-->E{Payload Processor}
E-->|GET| F(`query_records`)
F-->G[List of records]
E-->|POST| H[Auditor]
H-->O(Create Batch ID)
O-->|__enter__\nBatch Status: PENDING| I(Thread/Processor)
I-->P(Create Process ID)
P-->|__call__\nProcess Status: Pending|L(Computation)
N-->|__exit__\nProcess Status: Completed\nBatch Status: Completed\nIF all Batch:Processes are Completed|H
I-->K(Response Packet)
M-->N(Update Bulletin)


This is an overview of how every API request is handled. It demonstrates how the Auditor wraps requests, and how confirmation responses are issued immediately while threads that do computation are kicked off in the background.

API Interaction Flow

graph LR
A(Any Customer)-->|JSON Request|B[API Service]-->|Get or Post: Deserialize, Validate, and Write|C(Database)-->|Read|B
B-->|JSON Response|A

If you POST a new record, the response object gives you a record locator you can later use to check the Bulletin upon confirming your Batch is complete. Essentially, after your initial POST, you come back with your record locators and make GET requests to acquire pertinent network updates.

API Commands Flow

graph TD
A(Affirm*)-->|Already Matched|B[Update Match Weight]
A-->|Not Already Matched|C[Add Match]
D(Deny*)-->|Matches Found|E[Update Match Weight or Delete Match]
G(Activate*)-->H[Compute all matches]
I(Deactivate*)-->|Active record found|J[Delete all matches]-->F[Re-Graph]
K(Delete Demographic*)-->|Demographic Record Found|L(Archive Record)
M(Post Demographic*)-->|Unique Record|G
N(Delete Affirm*)-->D
O(Delete Deny*)-->A
P(Delete Delete Demographic*)-->|Archived Record Found|M
F-->|For each record changed|Q(Update Bulletin)

(*) Corresponds to an endpoint supporting POST

This system of cursoring over demographic records as Nodes and match records as Edges makes heavy re-use of itself such that all supported commands fall along this flow-chart.

Matching Engine Flow

graph LR
A(Demographic Activation)-->B[Coarse Matching]
B-->C(Fine Matching)
C-->D(Score Weighting)
E-->F(Update Bulletin)

Score-Weighting Flow

graph TD
A(Nomenclature Demographics)-->B{Summation of Score-Weights}
C(DOB Demographics)-->B
D(Location Demographics)-->B
E(Other Demographics)-->B
B-->F(Match Threshold)
F-->|Score Above Threshold|G(Match Detected)-->I(Re-Graph)
I-->J(Update Bulletin)
F-->|Score Below Threshold|H(No Match Detected)

Data Model

Throughout this model:

  • record_id serializes demographic records
  • etl_id, batch_id, proc_id serialize record locators for requests
  • transaction_key serializes database transactions; it combines a batch_id and proc_id
  • empi_id serializes patients

Demographic Records

    Demographic {
        int record_id
        string organization_key 
        string system_key
        string system_id 
        string given_name 
        string middle_name 
        string family_name 
        string gender 
        datetime name_day 
        string address_1
        string address_2
        string city
        string state
        string postal_code
        string social_security_number
        string uq_hash
        string composite_key
        string composite_name
        string composite_name_day_postal_code
        bool is_active
        string transaction_key
        string source_key
        string source_value
        string touched_by
        datetime touched_ts
    DemographicArchive {
        int record_id
        string organization_key 
        string system_key 
        string system_id 
        string given_name 
        string middle_name 
        string family_name 
        string gender 
        datetime name_day 
        string address_1
        string address_2
        string city
        string state
        string postal_code
        string social_security_number
        string uq_hash
        string composite_key
        string composite_name
        string composite_name_day_postal_code
        bool is_active
        string archive_transaction_key
        string transaction_key
        string source_key
        string source_value
        string touched_by
        datetime touched_ts

Activating, Deactivating, Deleting, Restoring Demographic Records

    Delete {
        int etl_id
        string batch_action
        int archive_proc_id
        int archive_batch_id
        string transaction_key
    DemographicActivation {
        int etl_id
        int record_id
        string transaction_key
        DemographicDeactivation {
        int etl_id
        int record_id
        string transaction_key
        DemographicDelete {
        int etl_id
        int record_id
        string transaction_key

Match Records and Group Records

    EnterpriseMatch {
        int etl_id
        int record_id_low
        int record_id_high
        float match_weight
        bool is_valid
        string transaction_key
        string touched_by
        datetime touched_ts
    EnterpriseGroup {
        int etl_id
        int enterprise_id
        int record_id
        string transaction_key
        string touched_by
        datetime touched_ts
    MatchAffirmation {
        int etl_id
        int record_id_low
        int record_id_high
        string transaction_key
    MatchDenial {
        int etl_id
        int record_id_low
        int record_id_high
        string transaction_key

Data Warehouse Meta-Records

    Batch {
        int batch_id
        string batch_action
        string batch_status
    Bulletin {
        int etl_id
        int batch_id
        int proc_id
        int record_id
        int empi_id
        string transaction_key
        datetime bulletin_ts
    Process {
        int proc_id
        int batch_id
        string transaction_key
        int proc_record_id
        string proc_status
        int row
        string foreign_record_id
    ETLIDSource {
        int etl_id
        string user
        string version
        datetime id_created_ts

ID Cross-Walk

    Crosswalk {
        int crosswalk_id
        string crosswalk_name
        string key_name
        bool is_active
        string transaction_key
        string touched_by
        datetime touched_ts
    CrosswalkBind {
        int bind_id
        int crosswalk_id
        int batch_id
        bool is_active
        string transaction_key
        string touched_by
        datetime touched_ts